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Much lighter. If you weighed 180 pounds on earth you would weigh 68.4 pounds on Mercury.

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Q: Is mercury's gravity heavier or lighter than earth's gravity?
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Is mercurys gravity stronger or weaker th an earths gravity?

Weaker, much weaker.

Is mercurys gravity grater or less than earths?

Mercury's gravity is approx 40% of Earth's.

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They formed as heavier and lighter rocks separated

Is mercurys gravity stronger than earths?

Planet Mercury and Planet Earth are both rocky planets. But Mercury is much smaller than Earth, so has much less force of gravity. Your answer is "No".

How do mercury radius and mass compare with the earths?

Mercurys mean radius is around 2,439.7 km, which is around 38.39% of earth radius or 0.3829 Earths. Mercurys mass is around 3.3022×10 to the 23 kg, around 5.5% of earths mass or 0.055 Earths.

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because the heavier elements are pulled toward center of the earth by gravity

Which planets surface gravity is 38 percent that of earths?

Both mercury and mars have a gravity which is around 38% of earths. Mercury's gravity is 37.8% of earths, Mars' gravity is 37.7% of earths.

What can be said about the force of earths gravity pulling on the books?

Earths gravity acts on everything from its center of gravity to everything else's center of gravity.

How does mercurys density compare to earths?

Mercury has a density of 5427kg/m3, whereas Earth has a density of 5515kg/m3.

What is the gravity on the moon lo?

About 0.183g, where one g is the earths gravity, so about one fifth of the earths gravity. It is similar to our own moons surface gravity.

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The sun gravity is stronger

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