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Inside. Mercury is the planet nearest the Sun. It is the smallest of all eight planets and is the second hottest. It travels the fastest around the Sun according the Kepler's Third Law (square of the semi major axis [radius of orbit] divided by the Orbital Period cubed).

The asteroid belt is situated between Mars and Jupiter and is believed to be the remnants of the rocky heavier elements that formed the inner four planets 5 billion years ago.
It's in the asteroid belt because it's closest to the sun

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Q: Is mercury inside or outside the asteroid belt?
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Is Jupiter in the inside or outside of the asteroid belt?

To be correct, it is inside. The formation is Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars and then Asteroid belt.

Is the earth inside or outside the asteroid belt?

From the sun it goes Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, ASTEROID belt, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto (although no longer classed as a planet). So the earth is inside the orbit of the asteroid belt.

Is Jupiter inside the asteroid belt or outside?

The planet Jupiter is outside the asteroid belt, which is located in between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.

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Jupiter is outside the asteroid belt.

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Neptune is outside the asteroid belt.

Is asteroid belt is a inside or a outside?

The Asteroid Belt is located inside our solar system and inside the Milky Way galaxy,. But all of the above mentioned are outside, as meaning "not inside" haha,. Hope I could help The asteroid belt is between Mars and Jupiter.

Is mercury a inside the asteroid belt?


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Neptune is always outside the asteroid belt

Is Mars located inside or outside of the Asteroid Belt?

It is not inside of the Asteroid Belt in the sense of being part of it. In terms of the order of orbits from the Sun, Mars is inside the orbit of the Asteroid Belt and Jupiter's orbit is outside the orbit of the Asteroid Belt.

Is Ceres a inside or outside the asteroid belt?

Ceres is part of the asteroid belt.