

Is metallic hydrogen the same as hydrogen?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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8y ago

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Metallic hydrogen is a physical state that hydrogen enters under extreme pressure.

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Q: Is metallic hydrogen the same as hydrogen?
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Which planets have a metallic hydrogen core?

No known planet has a core of metallic hydrogen, but Jupiter and Saturn have layers of liquid metallic hydrogen surrounding their cores.

Why is hydrogen placed with nonmetals?

Hydrogen hasn't metallic properties.

Why hydrogen is classified as a non metallic element?

Hydrogen can act similarly to a metal chemically and at very intense pressures it is theorized to be metallic.

What is an allotrope for hydrogen?

Common hydrogen and at very high pressure hydrogen turns metallic (beta-hydrogen)

Which jovian planets contain metallic hydrogen?

Saturn, Jupiter and other gas giants most likely contain liquid and metallic hydrogen

Does earth have liquid metallic hydrogen?

No. Liquid metallic hydrogen only forms when hydrogen is subjected to extreme pressure. Hydrogen is present in trace amounts in Earth's atmosphere in gas form, under low pressure. The core is composed primarily of iron. Liquid metallic hydrogen likely exists in the gas giants Jupiter and Saturn.

What produces liquid metallic hydrogen?

It's theorized that the deep interiors of gas giant planets like Jupiter may be mainly liquid metallic hydrogen.

Can you make the hydrogen a metal?

Yes. Although hydrogen is a non-metal, there is metallic hydrogen. It is formed when hydrogen is sufficiently compressed and undergoes a phase change; it is an example of degenerate matter. Solid metallic hydrogen consists of a crystal lattice of protons with a spacing which is significantly smaller than a Bohr radius. Indeed, the spacing is more comparable with an electron wavelength. The electrons are unbound and behave like the conduction electrons in a metal. As is the dihydrogen molecule H2, metallic hydrogen is an allotrope. In liquid metallic hydrogen, protons do not have lattice ordering.

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Is hydrogen metallic or non metallic'?

Under standard conditions, hydrogen is a non-metal (H2 gas,) but chemically, it can actually behave like a metal. Often, it bonds with other non-metals in the same proportion as other group 1 elements, all of which (except hydrogen) are alkali metals. It can also bond with metals as a hydride, where it acts more like a non-metal. Acids can lose a hydrogen ion, which has a charge of +1, just like many metals. Finally, under extreme pressure, hydrogen can actually become a metallic liquid; it is theorized that Jupiter's core is composed of liquid metallic hydrogen.

Why is Jupiter made of liquid metallic hydrogen?

Jupiter is a very massive planet composed mostly of hydrogen. It is massive enough that below a certain depth the pressure from the overlying layers is enough to convert the hydrogen into its liquid metallic state.

Does Jupiter have a metallic hydrogen layer around its core?
