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There can be an aqueous solution with methanol in it. Methanol is a pure substance, so if not mixed with other substances it is a compound.

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11h ago

Yes, methanol can be part of an aqueous solution. Methanol is soluble in water, so it can form a homogeneous mixture when mixed with water.

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What is the solution process with water as the solvent?

The solution process with water as the solvent involves the solute particles being surrounded by water molecules and dispersed throughout the solvent. This is due to the polar nature of water molecules, which allows them to interact with the solute particles and break them down into individual ions or molecules. The result is a homogeneous mixture where the solute is evenly distributed in the solvent.

Do aqueous methanol have the same conductivity values as aqueous sucrose?

No, aqueous methanol is a polar solvent and will have higher conductivity compared to aqueous sucrose which is a non-electrolyte. Methanol dissociates into ions when dissolved in water, allowing it to conduct electricity, while sucrose remains a molecular compound and does not dissociate into ions.

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An aqueous phase is a homogenous part of a heterogenous system which consists of water or a solution in water of a substance.

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'An Aqueous' solution. NB The word 'aqueous' comes from Latin ; 'aqua' meaning 'water'.

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Aqueous solutions of formaldehyde are referred to as formalin. "100%" formalin consists of a saturated solution of formaldehyde (this is about 40% by volume or 37% by mass) in water, with a small amount of stabilizer, usually methanol to limit oxidation and polymerization. A typical commercial grade formalin may contain 10-12% methanol in addition to metallic impurities like aluminum (3 ppm), iron (1 ppm) and copper (1 ppm).

What solutions in which water is the solvent are called?

Solutions in which water is the solvent are called aqueous solutions.

What is an aqueos solution?

An aqueous solution is a solution in which the solvent is water. It means that the substance of interest is dissolved in water to create a homogeneous mixture. Many chemical reactions and biological processes occur in aqueous solutions due to the high abundance and reactivity of water.

What is a aqueous solution?

An aqueous solution contain a solute dissolved in water.

What is a solute in a aqueous solution?

For an aqueous solution the solvent is water - H2O.

Is a aqueous solution a solution that contains all the solute that it can hold?

the solution itself, yes. it must contain water to be called an aqueous solution. the term aqueous designates water as the solvent/diluent.

How do you use the word aqueous in a sentence?

an aqueous solution is a solution made of water.