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Alcohol is a compound, not an element. Only elements are found on the Periodic Table.

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Q: Is methyl alcohol in the periodic table?
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Why is CH3OH methyl alcohol?

In chemistry CH3 is the methyl group and OH is the alcohol group so CH3OH is methyl alcohol etc.

Which shows maximum hydrogen bonding with it methyl alcohol or ethyl alcohol?

Methyl alcohol

Is methyl octane alcohol alkane or alkenes?

Alcohol is an Oxygen atom double-bonded to a carbonyl group. As such, there is no such thing as 'Methyl Octane Alcohol'. However, there is Methyl Alcohol and Octyl Alcohol. Please edit your question. Also: If you are asking if Methyl Alcohol is miscible (dissoluble) in octane, it is. Alkanes are hydrocarbons only, so both octane and the methyl group in methanol (methyl alcohol) are alkanes.

What is the boling point of methyl alcohol?

The boiling point of methyl alcohol (methanol) is 64.7oC.

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compounds such as isopropyl alcohol, ethyl alcohol, methyl ketones (RCOCH3), methyl carbinol (RCH(OH)CH3), acetophane (C6H5COCH3), acetaldehyde (CH3CHO) give iodoform reaction

Is methyl hydrate the same as methyl alcohol?

Yes, it is

The most acidic compound is methyl alcohol?

No, methyl alcohol is generally not viewed as an acid at all.

Is methyl alcohol electrolyte?

Methyl alcohol by itself is not an electrolyte. By definition, an electrolyte is something containing free ions. If you took methyl alcohol and dissolved a salt in it, the resulting solution would indeed by an electrolyte solution. However, methyl alcohol by itself is not an electrolyte.

What is the name of the table of elements?

A Periodic table The Periodic Table of the Elements.

How are the elements arranged?

atomic number

Is methanol an alcohol?

It is considered as methyl alcohol and wood alcohol

Why is benzophenone soluble in methyl alcohol while biphenyl is not?

Yes it is definitely soluble in methyl alcohol through experimental observation but to the extent of polarity is what i am trying to figure out. There should be a difference in solubility of benzophenone in methyl alcohol and in hexane. It is def. partially soluble in hexane and im guessing it is suppose to be completely soluble in methyl alcohol. I must have just messed up in the lab