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I would avoid them. I don't mean avoid using them, I just mean when you are cooking something in them, stay out of the room. If they are faulty they can give off microwaves which can be harmful to you, but particularly to your baby

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Q: Is microwave harmful during 1st trimester?
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You can, but its probably not very healthy, so as long as you compensate with healthy foods, and regularly exercise lightly, you should be okay.

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As soon as the 1st trimester!

How many weeks is the trimester?

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I had to take ativan sporadically during my pregnancy for a severe anxiety disorder. My doctor specialized in pregnant women and those sorts of medications and he said while it says on the pill bottle its harmful, after 20 or 30 yrs of study is has proved to be harmless in small to moderate amounts during pregnancy. (I.E not high doses every day) My baby was born healthy.