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Mineral oil sounds like a bad idea. Most treatments for swimmer's ear utilize medication that is designed to kill the "bug" (microbe, bacteria, fungus) that causes this condition. It should be noted that otitus externa has multiple causes other than those suggested. It is advantageous to know the nature of the cause, and a medical practitioner will have to sort this out. Prescription follows examination and diagnosis. The best advice is to not go pouring oil (or anything else) in your ear and obtain a consult, and for the reasons cited.

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Q: Is mineral oil good for swimmer's ear?
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How long does swimmers ear last?

It can last up to 10 days. Baby oil can be poured into ear with the help of a dropper to heal.

Can oil be danerous when it gets in your ear?

Olive oil no, mineral oils yes.

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I don't know about it helping ear infections, but I had a bad case of swimmers ear (water trapped in the ear, and it HURTS!), and the sweet oil released the water in under 20 minutes

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Mullen oil is good for buzzing in the ear.

Can you swim with swimmers ear?

No, swimmers ear can not switch ears. When you are in the water for a while you will notice your fingers get wrinkly. This is what happens in your ear after some time. When this happens it allows germs to get into your skin and causes an infection. So if one ear is completely fine, it will not get swimmers ear unless you allow water to be in your ear for some time.

What does it mean when there is water in your head?

A water-like feeling in the ears or head can be due to excessive wax in the ear or an infection. If you have excessive wax in your ears you can drain it by adding a few drops of warm olive oil or mineral oil to your ear .

Can heavy mineral oil be put in five year old's ears to help with ear wax?

My doctor prescribed my 20 month old daughter heavy mineral oil so I'd say it was okay but only for a few days

What is good for an earache for a toddler?

I have been told that a drop of olive oil is good for an ear ache, it will also help remove ear wax.

Is chain oil good to use on wood decks?

No, use heated mineral oil or linseed oil, or a polyurethane sealer.

Can you use oil over latex?

Mineral oil destroys latex. Other oils are not good for latex.

Can you apply mineral oil for pain?

Mineral oil will do nothing for the pain. It is an emollient, which is a skin conditioner, and it isn't even a good one. It is made from petroleum and not a natural product.

What steps are taken at the conclusion of an otoplasty?

After the surgeon has finished reshaping the ear and carefully drying the area, the incision is closed. The surgeon covers the ear with a cotton dressing moistened with mineral oil or other soft dressing.