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Q: Is minor emergency treatment provided by the CDC?
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Can the CDC provide treatment for minor emergencies?


How did the CDC use the idea of zombies?

The CDC used the idea of Zombies to create a practice for emergency preparedness for local governments.

How did the CDC use the idea of zombie?

The CDC utilized the concept of zombies as a creative and entertaining way to engage the public and raise awareness about emergency preparedness. By framing emergency preparedness in the context of a zombie apocalypse, they were able to capture people's attention and convey important information about emergency kits and communication plans.

Does CDC test and approve drugs used in HIV treatment?

It is the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that approves drugs, not the CDC.

What can be found on the CDC website?

You can find all kinds of information on the CDC website about emergency preparation, immunizations, cancer and disease screening. You can also find information on healthy living and other topics.

Where is the best place to learn more on emergency preparedness?

There are many places to learn information on emergency preparedness. The government divisions of the CDC and the HHS both have information on their web pages.

Where can one find information on CDC Travel?

CDC Travel provides information about disease control for travelers. It is provided by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Information can be located on their dedicated website.



Is Valacyclovir useful for Swine Flu or other types of flu?

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the swine flu responds to treatment with the anti-viral drugs oseltamivir and zanamivir.A link to the CDC information about Swine Flu is provided below in the related links section. In addition see the related question below for information on tactics to use to keep yourself and your family less likely to contract the virus.

Where do you find posters for disaster management and awareness?

People can find posters for disaster management and awareness at the CDC. These posters contain information on what to do if an emergency occurs.

Who does CDC report to?

No-one. It is autonomous.Check out their mandates at cdc dot com

When was CDC Games created?

CDC Games was created in 2005.