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No, it's a fictional super hero on the show "South Park".

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Q: Is mint berry crunch a type of cereal?
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What is rob pattinson's favorite food?

Robert pattinson's favorite food is a cereal called cinnamon toast crunch -Cheerlol13

Does garchomp get stab from crunch?

No, because Crunch is a Dark type move, while Garchomp is a Dragon/Ground type.

Is the move crunch effective against electric type Pokemon?

No, crunch is a dark type move and electric types weakness is ground.

What is a winkle berry?

A winkle berry is a rare type of berry with a winkle type shape found on mount everest.

What type of matter is cereal?

Cereal is a solid

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Frosties is a cereal of cornflakes coated in sugar

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What are the carbohydrates in cereal bar?

The carbohydrates in a cereal bar can very likely be grains. This will depend on the type of cereal bar.

How much iron is added to cereal supplements?

It really depends on the type of cereal.

What type of mixture does milk and cereal form?

Milk and cereal is a heterogeneous mixture.

How do you know if the berry is rare on diamond?

Eeach type of Berry is numbered, the higher the number the rarer the Berry.

What Kinds Of Things Can A Blackberry Do?

A black berry isn't much good for anything except eating is there another type of black berry? A black berry isn't much good for anything except eating is there another type of black berry? A black berry isn't much good for anything except eating is there another type of black berry?