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Q: Is mistletoe putting it's roots into it's host tree parasitism?
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A mistletoe putting its roots into a host tree?

This is Parasitism

Is a mistletoe putting its roots into its host tree going to be mutualism?


What is the Symbiosis type for mistletoe and tree?

No, mistletoe does not show symbiosis but only display parasitism inthesense that it lives on another larger flowering plant. Mistletoe benefits because the host gives it support and raises it up to a position from which it receive sunlight

What organism does a mistletoe need?

A mistletoe needs another plant to grow on, one with roots. A typical host is an oak tree.

Why do mistletoe's absorb water from the host plant?

Because mistletoe is a parasite - it needs a 'host' plant in order to grow. Once it attaches to the host plant, it sends out roots into the host's stem in order to absorb water. Mistletoe is not a total parasite. It is called a hemi-parasite. It makes its' own food through photosynthesis but takes water and soil nutrients through the host it lives on.

What is a sentence using parasitism?

parasitism consists of host parasite relation....

What is the relationship called in which bacteria harms its host?

This is called parasitism.

Ticks suck blood from a host organism This is an example of what?

Ticks sucking blood from a host organism is an example of parasitism. The tick grows from its host, but contributes nothing to the host organism.

What Symbiotic relationship is between strangler fig and host tree?

it has a parasitism relationship with the tree.strangler fig seeds germinate at the top of the tree which enables it to get light,water and it grows its roots go downwards and around the host tree.its roots strangle the host tree and its canopy shades light from the trees and eventually the tree dies.

What is the relationship in which bacteria harm its host?

The answer is parasitism, because parasites harm their host.

Is the relationship called in which bacteria harms its host?


How does host adapt to parasitism?

That depends on the host and the parasite, anything from a happy symbiosis to death.