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Q: Is mixing two cheeses in a bowl a chemical change?
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Is not a physical change melting cheese fermenting of cheese mixing two cheeses in a bowl grating cheese?

Fermenting cheese and grating cheese are chemical changes.

Whatwhat is not a physical change grating cheese melting cheese fermenting of cheese mixing two cheeses in a bowl?


Is mixing two cheeses in a bowl a physical or chemical change?

No. The cheese is still cheese, it's just in pieces now.

Can a stainless steel mixing bowl cause chemical contamination?

A clean stainless steel bowl will not cause chemical contamination, which is why you use them.

When antacid and water are mixed what kind of change occurs physical or chemical?

Students will be able to distinguish between physical and chemical changes. ...Prepare the bread dough in the mixing bowl as directed on the box. ...kinds of liquids, or bubbling the gas through the solution and allowing it to dissolve). ...The change thatoccurs when an Alka-Seltzer tablet is added to wateris chemical.

A sheet of copper can be pounded into a bowl a physical or chemical change?

It is a physical change because it has not changed its chemical composition.

If you have a bowl of milk and cheerios would it become a chemical or physical change?

physical change

Is sunlight speeding up the evaporation of a bowl of water a chemical change?

No. It is a physical change.

Is a bowl of cereal a chemical change or a physical change?

They're objects, they're not a change of any sort.

What is use of bowl?

it is used when your mixing something, for example when your mixing flour

Is a bowl of cereal and milk a chemical or physical change?

They're objects, they're not a change of any sort.

Is ice cream melting in a bowl a chemical change?

No. It is purely a physical change, that of melting. No chemical reaction takes place.