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Every kind of danceing is still popular.What you should know is that its not what kind of dance it is its how u dance to it

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Q: Is modern dance still popular today?
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What is the most popular dance style today?

There are many, but the most popular would probably be classical Ballet, contemporary, modern, jazz, hip hop and tap.

When did the Cha Cha Slide dance become popular?

the dance that is known today as the cha cha slide originated in 1996 and people all over the world are still doing this dance today!

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Yes. In fact, they still dance today.

Is ballet dance still practiced today?

Yes, ballet is still practiced today.

What type of dance did Martha graham create?

Martha Graham technigue is modern aslo known as contemporary dance. The core of her technique was, and still is, the use of the back in contractions. Her style also does not deny gravity but instead uses it to your advantage and makes the most of it. Graham transformed modern dancing to what it is today.

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The Ghost dance is still performed today

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yes - still very popular today

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Yes, they were - and still are.

What dance is especially popular in Finland?

I have found some information, and think this could be the answer: The tango is a very popular dance in Finland today, but the foxtrot is the dance you'll see the most in Finnish clubs.

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in cultural presentations

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It is still popular today.