

Is money made of trees

Updated: 11/9/2022
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12y ago

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The paper variety is yes. But it doesnt Grow on trees.

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Q: Is money made of trees
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Money never grow on trees?

physicly, money doesn't grow on trees. but money is made out of paper, and paper comes from trees. so money doesn't grow on trees but the trees make paper, which makes money. hope u enjoyed ur answer!

Is trees money?

No. Trees are not not composed of money and only have some to do with making money. Nowadays, paper money is made mostly from cotton.

What tree is paper money made from?

It is not paper from trees....It is made from cotton.

How may inventions of paper money and woodblock printing have been linked?

paper is made out of trees ad wood is made out of trees so they are the same thing because they are made of trees.

Does money come from trees?

Well, money is actually not made out of paper, it is made out of 75% cotton and 25% linen fibers. Therefore, no, money does not come from trees. However, planting a tree, may get you money. Plant an apple tree, get apples to eat or sell. Use the seeds to plant more trees, therefore giving you more apples to sell.

Is paper money made out of trees?

paper money is made out of 25% linen and 75% cotton

How may the inventions of paper money and woodblock printing have been linked?

The invention of paper money and woodblock printing in ancient China were linked because both technologies required the use of paper. Woodblock printing was used to create intricate designs on the paper used for money, enhancing the security features and deterring counterfeiting. The adoption of paper money benefitted from the advancements in woodblock printing, as it allowed for more sophisticated and visually appealing currency designs.

Can you make money trees?

I'm not sure but I have heard there is one in Washington, by the White House. As I said I am not very sure of that. No, of course not. Think about it? A tree which grows it's ''own'' coins and notes?

Why can't money grow from trees?

if you are smart you would know that money can't grow from trees and you are the stupidest person alive also money is paper and you cant grow paper even if paper is made from trees so why even ask the question. this is all i can say.

If money doesn't grow on trees then y banks have branches?

actually money does grow on trees in a way... You see because, money is paper... right? and paper is made from trees. so in a sense, money does grow on trees! But others have other theories like, 'some paper is made from elephant poop! so if its made of that... money must also come from elephant poop!' , but that's a theory and not plain facts. I hope this will serve everyone well! From, Dragonmonkey That is partley true but technically money dosent grow on trees because it grows as a tree and then goes through a process in which it turns into paper and then is put through another process to turn it in to money....By SpenceGurl Um, actually there is zero paper in money. It is 25% linen and 75% cotton.

How do trees relate to money?

it don't relate to money you just get money when you cut trees down

Is money made from cloth?

not really. its made by trees but woven and woven into a fine paper. it may look like cloth but the fact is it is not