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Q: Is monster energy drink bad for your liver?
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Are monster drinks bad for your liver?

if your talking about monster energy drinks, then no. they are just the same as any other energy drink, sugar, water, flavor, and caffeine. and some other crap/herbs. nothing to be worried about.

Is it bad to drink monster energy drinks if you are naturally hyper?


Can a eight year old drink and monster energy?

No, that's bad for eight year olds. Don't drink it.

How are muscles affected by drinking monster?

monster has pretty bad sugars in the drink of the drink

Energy drinks are they bad for YOU?

in some ways yes they are bad for you if you drink them more often than not, they can afect your liver and kidneys over long term use

Is monster energy drink bad for kids?

Only if you throw it at them. Or want them to sleep, ever.

Is monster drinks safe to drink?

Yes, It is safe to drink monster, 8 year olds can!

Does Lil Wayne like monster energy drink?

yea he does PS :lil Wayne is the sexyiest man alive and i want to meet him really bad

Is monster energy frinks bad for you?

No, monster isn't bad for you. If you follow the guidelines on the back of a monster can and only drink 3 or less per day they are actually GOOD for you. They have less sugar than soda and have many B-vitamins and herbal stimulants. (b-vitamins relieve stress)

Is Monster Energy bad for you?

Too much caffeine.

Is it bad to drink an energy drink as a pick-me-up?

Energy drinks all around are not healthy for you.

Is Bailey's Irish cream bad for you?

Alcohol is not bad for you IF you drink in moderation - that means one drink, not a whole bottle! When you drink too much of any alcohol, it's bad for you because it poisons the liver and kills off brain cells.