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Q: Is mop and glow any good for linolium floors?
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Does nuclear waste glow green?

No- but it looks good in the comics. Most radioactive waste does not glow in ANY color. Very high level radioactive may exhibit Cherenkov radiation effects, and glow blue or purple.

Are Swiffer Wet Jets any good?

I am thinking of purchasing a Swiffer Wet Jet. Do they do a good job cleaning floors?

Are wood floors the best kind to have?

Wood floors are really good to have and can look beautiful , but the only thing about them is that they have to usually be washed on a daily basis to remove any dirt from traffic .

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Any Ideas For my Glow in the dark party?

i am looking for good ideas for my bday party to and i found a couple of good ideas of glow stick and you should crack the glow sticks put them in a balloon and blow it up it looks realy cool and a nother one is to get potrolem jelly it glow in uv rave light and you cane get highlighters they glow in blacklight as well and the last on is break all different colored glow sticks put them in a jar and shake it is very cool

Are there any glow worm caves in south island?

I am not sure if there are any glow worm caves, but I have been to two glow worm "dens", one in hokitika, the other in dunedin.

Are their any glow in the dark skeleton costumes?

Wal Mart and Target often sell skeleton costumes. You can also check on or to find a good selection of glow in the dark skeleton costumes.

Is there any glow in the dark racquetballs?


Can you put wild creek fish with glow fish?

Glow fish are only Zebra Danios that have been interfered with genetically in a laboritory. There is a good chance that any wild fish would kill or attack one.

Can you get duskull in sapphire?

yes, you can! good for you who wanted this answer! answer is: to get duskull you need to go to Mt Pyre, ... at any floors i think.. try down floor first :) good luck!

What are some advantages to having tile floors?

Having tiled floors in ones home is very advantageous because they manage to combine good quality with good price, they come in all shapes and sizes for any room. Tiled floors are much more hygienic has they can be washed several times a day without much effort which makes it harder for bacteria to breed.

How any floors are there in mt thunder?

I'm pretty sure there are 12 floors and then Zapdos is on the 13th floor.