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Q: Is most scientific ideas are absolute and not subject to change true or false?
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Scientific laws have stood the test of time and they will not change?

Scientific laws are based on repeated observations and evidence, so they are considered unlikely to change. However, they can be updated or refined based on new discoveries or insights, as our understanding of the natural world evolves.

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True or false The absolute value of every integer is positive?

true because if it is an absolute integer it cant be negative and 0 is nor a negative number or positive. so it would always be positive. Example- l-7l its absolute value would be 7, or l4l its absolute value would be 4.

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The absolute value will always be positive because if you think about it, the absolute value.

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You don't - just as you don't with a number in normal notation.

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Alexander Kohn has written: 'False prophets' -- subject(s): Fraud in science, Impostors and imposture, Scientific Errors

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