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Q: Is mucositis an organic cause of failure to thrive?
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What conditions can lead to failure to thrive?

Organic failure to thrive (OFTT) implies that the organs involved with digestion and absorption of food are malformed or incomplete so the baby cannot digest its food. Non-organic failure to thrive (NOFTT) is the most common cause of FTT

What is non-organic failure to thrive?

Non-organic failure to thrive (NOFTT) is the most common cause of FTT and implies the baby is not receiving enough food due to economic factors or parental neglect, or do to psychosocial problems.

What is the simple meaning of chronic non specific mucositis of tongue?

The simple meaning of mucositis of tongue is the painful inflammation and ulceration of the mucous membrane. Chronic means that is ongoing and there may be no cure. Nonspecific means that they do not know cause.

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No, organic food does not cause autism.

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Plants cause heart failure

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cause it rains

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The major internal cause of slope failure is gravity.

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i dont think they would cause kidney failure, but it would cause lots of other problems.

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It is a very unlikely cause of kidney failure(if it is large and bilateral or affect the only existing kidney) .

Can surgery cause pseudomonas aeruginosa?

Not cause it - no. However the bacterium can thrive in even sterile environments - including hospitals.

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Failure to understand the basic definitions is perhaps the most frequent cause of difficulty or failure when studying economics.

Can pentasa cause kidney function failure?

The medication Pentasa can cause kidney function problems but not complete failure. It also can cause chest pain and trouble breathing.