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Q: Is nervousness and agitation a physical sign of severe anemia?
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What is hyperanemia?

Severe anemia.

Is anemia in dogs painful?

Not unless the anemia is so severe that the animal is suffering from hypoxia.

Does pile lead to death?

Yes. That is possible. You see so many patients of pile, who gets severe anemia. Severe anemia can cause death.

What are signs of severe anemia?

Severe Anemia is the lack of IRON in your blood. The varying degrees are basically Anemia to Severe Anemia on a scale. Most important severe anemia is dangerous! YOU MUST eat more red meats and iron rich food during this time; you should be on an iron supplement such as pregnancy vitamins with iron even if you are not pregnant. Go to your Dr. If your anemia is severe as you MUST find the source of internal bleeding causing this if it is not related to dietary problems.

Is pernicious anemia severe?

Yes it is. It is fatal if not treated.

Is anemia treatment painful or expensive?

It depends on how severe your anemia is. The most severe cases of anemia may require a blood transfusion, which could be painful and expensive. Most cases of anemia require iron supplementation, which could be in the form of vitamins you ingest, or vitamin injections. Prices of these solutions can vary.

What is the cause of constant rocking and knuckle biting?

In psychology this is known as psychomotor agitation, and it is seen in certain mental illnesses. According to the site, it is psychological and physical restlessness, manifested by pacing, hand-wringing,or other activity, sometimes occurring as a symptom of severe depression, schizophrenia, or other mental disorder. See related link, agitation, sense three.

Why do patients with severe anemia may be compromised if transfused with large quantities of long stored blood?

Patients with severe anemia may be compromised if transfused with the large quantities of long stored blood because it may lead to major or minor mismatch.

What does a hookworm do to a human?

It sucks the blood of the host human from its intestine and may cause severe anemia.

Will iron deficiency anemia bring about jaundice I was told I was slightly anemic before surgery due to heavy blood loss during menstruation. I have since had surgery to stop the blood loss?

Ineffective erythropoiesis is responsible for the mild indirect hyperbilirubinemia seen occasionally in severe iron-deficiency anemia. So yes it is possible to be jaundiced from severe anemia.

Is there a cure for chronic pancytopenia anemia?

No, definitely no. My husband passed away from severe pancytopenia anemia and Hodgkin's Lymphoma cancer. Both those things were closely related to one another

I have many symptoms of anemia. How severe is my anemia?

Blood lab work will be the only way to determine the severity of your anemia. One's body's reaction to anemia will vary depending on a few factors. The body has a remarkable ability to adapt, even to anemia. If one becomes anemic gradually, he or she may not even notice until the condition is bad compared to someone who develops anemia suddenly. The cause must also be considered.