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Its great for mice bedding easy to replace and the mice like it as well to make nests with A bit of saw dust would also be good in places.

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you can, but it's not very afficiant. It doesn't absorb as much as other wood shedding beddings

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Q: Is newspaper okay for mice bedding?
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Is shredded newspaper OK for mice bedding?

Shredded newspaper can be used for mice bedding, but it is important to ensure that the ink and any chemicals used in the newspaper are safe for the mice. Untreated, plain white newspaper is generally a safer option compared to colored or glossy newspaper. It's also recommended to provide additional bedding options, such as aspen shavings or paper-based bedding, for mice to choose from.

Got 2 mice from pet store 1 suddenly died looked fine until she died could it have been newspaper bedding That was the only thing we changed?

Well , rats don't like newspaper bedding , but I don't think that could have killed it . Maybe you fed it something bad , or maybe it was just born with an illness . mice**

Is it okay for guinea pigs to have pine bedding?

The best bedding to use is wood shavings. If the pine is in shaving form then yes, youcan. Never use newspaper as bedding. The ink can be toxic to little pets.

How do you change a rabbit's bedding?

First of all, you should have a paper lining underneath the bedding like newspaper or hard paper of some sort and the bedding on top. To get rid of the bedding, all you have to do is fold the newspaper like a taco. Then dispose of it properly.You should never have newspaper in your rabbit's cage for any reason. The newspaper print is poisonous if eaten.

Will mice eat tissues?

No, they will shred it for bedding.

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Is newspaper toxic to hamsters?

Yes, newspaper ink can be toxic to hamsters if ingested, so it is not recommended as bedding material. It's best to use safe bedding options for hamsters like aspen shavings, paper-based bedding, or commercial hamster bedding from pet stores.

Do mice pick spots in their cage to have babies?

Yes. I am sure that you provide bedding material. Yes. I am sure that you provide bedding material.

Can you change the bedding when your mice are pregnant?

It is simple, just dont rear rats/mice whatever you call them. Haahaha funny!

What type of bedding is used for a baby mole?

Newspaper and paper towels torn up into long shreds as bedding make great bedding for baby moles. You can also the same bedding as used for hamsters and gerbils.

Is colorful bedding okay for hermit crabs?

Yes, but i prefer natural bedding because it makes them feel like their in the wild.

Is newspaper okay to be used as bedding for chickens?

Newspaper can be used as bedding for chickens, but it is not as absorbent as other materials such as pine shavings or straw. It can become slick when wet, potentially leading to foot injuries for chickens. It is best to use newspaper in combination with other bedding materials for better absorbency and comfort for the chickens.