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Yes as long as it is black and white and is made out of soy ink.

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Q: Is newspaper safe to put on the floor of a guinea pig cage?
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Why wont your guinea pig move out of its cage?

it doesn't now if its safe to go out.

If one guinea pig is sick in cage are the rest sick?

not necessarily; if you leave one guinea pig in the cage with the sick guinea pig, the guinea pig that is not sick can get sick; you should separate them just to be safe but if the guinea pigs start to get lonely, put them back together

HELP Is it safe for Dwarf Hamsters and Guinea Pigs to share the same cage?

no they can not they dont like sharing

Can cats open cages like guinea pig cages?

No. Most guinea pig cages are cat safe. If the cage is enclosed your guinea pigs should be fine. It is safest to have a latch though just in case.

Can you house your guinea pig in your bedroom?

That would probably work, as long as you put down some tarp, newspaper and then flease/light blanket over the area. Make sure there is a sturdy gate around him that he can't squeeze thru or jump over, and there is no cords nearby. Lastly, make sure its big enough. For one pig it should be 8 to 9 square feet, and 10.5 for two.

How do you know if it's safe to keep a guinea pig outdoors?

it is safe to keep guinea pigs out side just as long as their hutch is water proof and was a cover area that is warm. i would also recommend the hutch have a soild wire floor or wood floor to prevent any other animals digging under the hutch to get the guinea pigs. hope this helps

When are guinea pig babies safe from being eaten?

If they are inside your house, shed or their cage. They Would be safe from foxes and anyother animal. If they live in the wild, If they hide under a small rock.

Is it cruel to keep guinea pigs in hutches?

No. Just make sure that the guinea pig gets lots of attention and time every day to run around outside of it's cage in a safe environment

Is it safe to let guines pigs run on the floor?

No,all kinds of predators may attack your Guinea Pig.Many Guinea Pigs die due to Cats and dogs attack.

What items do you need to take care of a guinea pig?

Guinea pigs need a spacious cage, bedding for the cage, a food dish, food that contains plenty of vitamin C, some hay for eating and chewing, a water bottle that the guinea pig can access at all times, a hut for resting, a chew stick so that the guinea pig's teeth will not overgrow, claw clippers, and a few guinea pig safe toys for entertainment.

When is it safe to put back a male guinea pig in the cage with female after she has babies?

Nope. She'll get pregnant again and could die. selfish imo