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yes it helps the plants to grow thats why it is used in fertilizers

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Q: Is nitrogen an element that helps plants grow?
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What element that help plants grow?


What is the largest portion of gas in air and helps plants grow?

Carbon Dioxide is the gas that helps plants grow. As does nitrogen and it it the major consituent of the atmosphere

What is inside fertilizer that helps plants grow?

It is generally the Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potash ratio in the soil that helps the plants to grow, if light and water are not limiting factors.

Why is nitrogen an essential for living organism?

Nitrogen is essential for living organisms because it helps plants grow, and plants supply animals their food. And without plants we would die.

What is the importance of nitrogen?

Without fertility humankind ceases to exist.

Why are most fertilizers rich in nitrogen and phosphorous?

Adding phosphorus to soil that needs more, promotes root growth, winter hardiness, and can hasten maturity in the plants grown there. Nitrogen helps plants to grow and helps them to feed themselves.

What is the relationship between bacteria and plants?

Plants need nitrogen to grow. They are surrounded by nitrogen in the air, but it is not in a form the plants can use. Nitrogen fixing bacteria on the roots of the plant convert (fix) the airborne nitrogen to a form the plants can use to grow.

What are the important uses of nitrogen?

Nitrogen is used in the nitrogen cycle to help plants grow.

Nitrogen in the soil is used by?

Grass and plants use nitrogen to grow.

What does nitrogen fixation accomplish?

It allows plants to use nitrogen to grow.

What helps plants grow water or coffee?

Water helps plants grow

Explain why Nitrogen is important to organisms?

-Proteins are partly made from nitrogen without proteins , your cells will lack enough nourishment's to repair it self or to build new tissues - Plants require nitrogen to grow if nitrogen is not available for plants , they will fail and this disrupts the food chain - It is also an occurring element that is essential for the growth and reproduction in both plants and animals.