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It depends on the cause and degree. You should discuss it with your doctor.

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Q: Is non-alcoholic fatty liver dangerous
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What is NASH disease?

The term NASH disease refers to nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, a buildup of fatty tissue in the liver.

Can being overweight cause elevated liver LFTS?

Yes, overweight is a common cause of elevated LFTs, primarily due to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

Why do you have a fatty liver?

According to information found on the Mayo Clinic website, there are two types of fatty liver disease. One is nonalcoholic and is generally caused by obesity and a high fat diet (my words, not exactly the words used by Mayo Clinic but basically similar info). It is common and usually does not cause harm. However, in SOME people, it can lead to liver failure. Alcoholic fatty liver is a whole other animal. As long as the person continues to drink, it can definitely progress to liver failure, especially in heavy alcoholics. The liver can only process so much alcohol per day or even per hour before the liver is affected.

What means fatty infiltration of liver and what is it's treatment and what is the difference between fatty infiltration of liver and fatty liver?

the liver shows increased echogenicity compatible with fatty ifiltration.

Causes and Symptoms of Fatty Liver Disease?

Excess fat in the liver is known as fatty liver disease. There are two types of fatty liver disease: alcoholic liver disease (ALD) and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Both forms of the disease can lead to permanent liver damage.Alcoholic Liver Disease (ALD)A very high percentage of individuals who abuse alcohol will develop a fatty liver. The amount of alcohol consumed and how long it is consumed before leading to the disease will vary among different people.Other factors that may contribute to the likelihood of developing ALD are obesity, diet, a history of Hepatitis C, or high levels of iron in the system.Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)NAFLD is fatty liver disease that is not brought on by alcohol and it is the most common cause of chronic liver disease in the U.S. Although it is an abnormal condition, it does not always damage the liver.Symptoms of Fatty Liver DiseaseThere are usually no symptoms in the beginning stages of fatty liver disease. In advanced cases there may be nausea, weight loss, fatigue, and mental confusion. The liver may be enlarged, and there may be pain in the upper right section of the abdomen. If cirrhosis occurs, the liver will begin to fail, causing fluid retention, yellowing of the eyes and skin, muscle wasting, and internal bleeding.Diagnosis of Fatty Liver DiseaseAn enlarged liver noticed during a checkup or a blood test showing elevated liver enzymes may lead to a suspicion of fatty liver disease. It may also show up on an X-ray or ultrasound. A liver biopsy is the only way to confirm it, however.Treatment of Fatty Liver DiseaseAt this time, there is no treatment for fatty liver disease. In the case of alcoholic liver disease the most important thing to do is stop drinking. For those who are overweight, gradual weight loss may decrease the amount of fat in the liver.

How can you disquise a fatty liver?

It's not possible to disguise the existence of a fatty liver.

Whats wrong when your liver is swollen?

An enlarged liver can be a symptom of different disease, including, viral hepatitis, liver tumors, cirrhosis, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and liver cancer. Some other conditions that may cause an enlarged liver are heart failure and gallbladder obstructions. In medical terms, an enlarged liver is known as hepatomegaly.

Which poisoning has yellow fatty liver?

Phosphorus poisoning causes yellow fatty liver.

What is fatty liver disease and can it spread to other parts of the body?

Fatty liver disease is an accumulation of triglyceride fat in the liver cells. Fatty liver disease is a reversible condition, and does not spread to other parts of the body.

How does fatty liver impact your health?

You get fat liver.

Is liver steatosis the same as fatty liver?


What does a high liver count mean?

A high liver count means that the liver enzymes are at a high rate. Some causes of a high liver count are Hepatitis A, B, or C, obesity, heart failure, and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. It could also signal liver cancer, Mono, and cirrhosis.