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Q: Is normal barometric pressure in denver higher or lower than in houston?
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What is atmospherical pressure at higher and lower altitude?

In general, barometric pressure, or atmospheric pressure, drops as you go up in elevation. For example, at 18,000 ft. above sea level, the average barometric pressure is about half the average pressure at sea level (see the related links for charts) However, barometric pressure also varies widely with the weather (weather charts almost always show the movement of low pressure and high pressure zones), so true barometric pressure cannot simply be calculated, but must be measured. In the United States, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration provides hourly barometric readings for many locations across the country (see related National Weather Service measurement link)

What is function of a barometer?

To measure atmospheric pressure. In general, higher atmospheric pressures (also called "higher barometric pressure") is generally associated with good weather, while low or falling pressure is generally linked to rain or bad weather.

Is barometric pressure connected to the temperature?

Barometric pressure has everything to do with temperature. There is a simple way to understand the relationship... The higher the temperature is, the lower the pressure. The lower the temperature is, the higher the pressure. Reasoning: Barometric pressure is caused by expansion and contraction of gaseous molecules(the air we breathe). Heat causes the molecules to expand, and become less dense, causing the warm air to rise, and pressure to be dropped. Cold causes the molecules to contract, making the air become more dense, and fall closer to the ground. Heat is rapidly moving, generously spaced molecules. Cold is slower moving, closer spaced molecules.

How does temperature affect an air traffic controllers operations?

The barometric pressure is what pilots use to gauge their altitude, however, all pilots above flight level 180 use 29.92. Barometric pressure is related to temperature changes, especially in higher altitude and mountainous areas.

What does Hg stand for in the eye of a hurricane?

It refers to the barometric pressure in the hurricane's eye. A lower barometric pressure generally means a stronger storm. Hg is the chemical symbol for the element mercury, a metal that is liquid at room temperature. Barometric pressure is often given in units of either mmHg (millimeters of mercury) or inHg (inches of mercury). Both units refer to the early barometers, which consisted of a vacuum tube with its open end immersed in a dish of Mercury. Pressure was measured based on how high up the mercury moved in the tube, which climbed higher with higher pressures.

Barometric pressure tends to be higher when air is what?

cold. Low pressure indicates hot air. Rapidly dropping pressure indicates high winds and a possible storm front.

Does humidity lead to less air pressure?

I think it actually makes us feel heavier but barometric pressure goes down when storms form so i could think it leads to higher air pressure (because low pressure creates storms)

Does elevation affect RA?

At higher altitudes, there's less barometric pressure, which causes bodies to expand. This expansion can increase joint pain, especially in those with arthritis.

When the pressure in hurricane gets lower or higher what does the wind do?

The lower the barometric pressure is in a hurricane, the stronger the wind will be. Hurricanes form over warm ocean water and the lower the pressure is, the more moisture that will be attracted from the water. This warm moisture rises up and forms into clouds and wind, so the more moisture is rising, the stronger the winds will be. If the barometric pressure is high, the moisture can't move up and form clouds and wind.

Why is the boiling point of water lower in Shimla than in Delhi?

I think that Shimla is at higher elevation than Delhi is. If that is the case, than it is because the barometric pressure goes down at higher elevations.See the Related Questions link to the left of this answer for more about how the boiling point of water is affected by the air pressure.

How does barometric pressure affect people?

If the barometric pressure drops suddenly, as it does often before a storm, and your sinus passageway is blocked, the higher pressure in the sinus will press on the bones surrounding it to cause a horrible headache. When your nose is stuffy, the inner linings of your nose are swollen, and the same swelling can shut the sinus passageway, preventing air pressure inside your sinus from changing to balance the pressure outside, and you can develop a sinus headache. from:

What is a weather lore for barometric pressure?

"If birds fly lowExpect rain and a blow."When the air pressure is high, it is easier for birds to fly at a higher altitude. If the air pressure is low, indicating bad weather, birds can't fly as high because the air is less dense. The barometer measures air pressure.