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Having a DNA contained in a nucleus is a characteristic of eukaryotes. All multicellular organisms and some unicellular organisms are eukaryotes. Prokaryotes lack a nucleus.

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Q: Is nucleus holds the DNA a uniclellular or multicellular?
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What domain does multicellular can photosynthesize contains DNA in a nucleus belong to?

The domain for multicellular organisms that can photosynthesize and contain DNA in a nucleus is Eukarya. These organisms have membrane-bound organelles, including a nucleus where their genetic material is stored. Examples include plants and algae.

What does a nucleus do for a cell?

A nucleus holds the DNA of the cell.

What organelle holds DNA?

Many people think that the organelle that holds DNA is the nucleolus but it is actually the nucleus. i answered your question quite professionally and i am only 9 years old hahahahahahaha

What is a structure in the cell containing information that determines characteristics?

The nucleus holds DNA, which is the chemical makeup of the cell.

What does the nucleus do in the sperm?

The nucleus holds all the DNA in the sperm and is basically a brain

Are al eukaryotes large multicellular organisms?

No. Eukaryotes are simply organisms that have DNA in a separate nucleus. Some are unicellular. Some are multicellular.

What holds a single DNA strand together?

the nucleus

What holds the DNA information within the nucleus?

The chromatin

What holds DNA?

The nucleus and nucleolus of every cell contains and protects the DNA

What organelle of the cell and what structures in that organelle contains DNA?

In a multicellular organism, the Nucleus contains the DNA but in unicellular beings, the DNA just floats in it.

What holds the cells DNA?

Nucleus - holds genomic DNA in eukaryotes. The nucleus is the most conspicuous organelle found in a eukaryotic cell. It houses the cell's chromosomes and is the place where almost all DNA replication and RNA synthesis occur.

What structures are in the nucleus that contains DNA?

The structures in the nucleus that contain DNA are known as chromosomes. There are 46 chromosomes in the human cell.