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Q: Is obesity considered a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act?
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Is obesity a disability?

Yes it can be for the person who is obese; but if you are referring to disability approval by the Social Security Disability bureaucrats you can forget them ever considering obesity as a disability unless it is cause by an incurable disease on their list of diseases.

What percentage of Americans are considered to be at an unhealthy weight when overweight and obesity rates are combined?


Can you be declared disabled for alcoholism?

No.There are two different kinds of disabilities, physical and mental.Physical disabilities are the loss or partial loss of a physical function in the body, such as:Loss of limbsLoss of use of limbsBlindnessDeafnessMental disabilities are mental issues that affect your way of living, such as:Downs SyndromeADHDCerebralPalsyAlzheimer's SyndromeAlcoholism isself-inflicted. Just like obesity. So it is not a disability.

Does obesity count as a disability?

Yes because its like a security or something on the sky when the woman is obesity

What percentage of the population of the US is on disability?

According to the latest survey (2011) conducted by Wiener & Wiener Statistical Conglomerate Group based in Crawford, TX., a staggering 97% of the US population has some sort of disability. Most cited disabilities were mental, obesity, and language. Physical disabilities cited most were backaches, neck problems, and knees. However, only about 3% of those who have applied for disability have been approved. Even so, the cost to US taxpayers is about $13.00 per month for every man, woman, and child in America, not counting the cost of medical treatment.

Can people with type 2 diabetes drive a truck in Illinois?

Since both diabetes and obesity, the leading cause of diabetes type 2, no offense meant, are considered to be disabilities. It would be illegal according to the ADA, American Disabilities Act,to not hire someone based on those or even on of those factors alone.

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Is child obesity a disease?

It is fair to say that it is definitely a form of disease. If nothing changes to correct obesity in children it manifests into adult obesity, which causes too many premature deaths and or disabilities. Regardless of whether it is or isn't considered to be a disease, child obesity is completely preventable. Diet lower in sugar is the first place to start in reducing child obesity problems. I have a site dedicated to helping others identify just what foods we should and shouldn't be eating to improve our health. If you are concerned about your child's weight, I encourage you to take a look.

Which ethnicity or ethnicities are at greatest risk for obesity?

african americans

How common is obesity?

How common is obesity? In America, at least 40% or more Americans are obese. To avoid obesity, eat healthy, get born to the right parents, and get more excercise.

Is obesity environmental?

yes it is. Most Americans see it about their mid twenties

What is obcity?

Obesity is a condition of an individual that is considered grossly overweight or fat. Obesity has become a nation all issue.