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not a possible reason , but if associated with other problem like pcos , it is possible.

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Q: Is obesity of a woman a possible reason for not conceiving?
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I haven't been pregnant in 7 years haven't been able to conceive since need answers?

A doctor should be consulted to find out if there are any potential conception issues barring a woman who wishes to become pregnant from conceiving. One possible cause is obesity, which can make it very difficult for a woman to conceive.There are a lot of reasons that could be responsible for a woman not being able to become pregnant. A doctor is the only person qualified to let someone know why they are having trouble conceiving, however getting in good shape can be a good start for anyone considering having a child as many conception issues can be weight related.

Is polycystic ovary resist in concieving?

Yes, PCOS can prevent a woman from conceiving.

Does obesity count as a disability?

Yes because its like a security or something on the sky when the woman is obesity

Crucial dates for conceiving a baby mean?

Crucial dates for conceiving a baby refer to ovulation days when a woman is most fertile. These dates vary for each woman but generally fall around the middle of her menstrual cycle. Tracking these dates can help increase the chances of conceiving.

How many woman in the U.S have obesity?

Around half the population of the U.S is made up of people who have obesity. Other countries such as Europe, China and France have a smaller obesity population.

What are the chances of a 22 year old man and a 40 year old woman conceiving a healthy baby?


Chances of conceiving naturally at age 48?

It depends on the woman! I've gotten pregnant at 46 and 47 without trying!

Can a woman conceive again if she was on pills before?

Yes. The Pill works by changing the hormones in a woman's body to stop her from conceiving. Once the hormone supply is gone, her fertility returns quickly.

Does it take longer to conceive your second child?

Usually not, most women have less trouble conceiving - after they've done it once. Occasionally a woman will develop "secondary infertility" - for reasons usually unknown, after having no trouble conceiving initially - they become infertile. It is not common.

Is there a higher risk of conceiving after a miscarriage?

Yes a woman is highly fertile after childbirth, miscarriage and abortion due to the hormones. It settles after a few months.

What is barren woman?

A barren woman is a woman who is incapable of conceiving, or incapable of carrying a child to term. A woman is termed "barren" if she never manages to have a child. This is an old, emotionally-charged term which also conveys a value judgement, as if the woman's value as a person were intrinsically linked to her reproductive ability.

Does menstruation occurs after conceiving?

No, conception isn't possible during menstruation. During menstruation there is no egg present to be fertilised, although it's important to point out that a woman may still be fertile during menstruation: there may be fertile cervical mucus present, which can keep sperm alive in the vagina long enough so that there is still sperm present when a woman ovulates after menstruation.