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salt is the solute, and the water's the solvent.

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15y ago

Yes, it is a solution (homogeneous mixture).

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Q: Is ocean water a solute and solvent?
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What is the solute and solvent of seawater?

The solvent of sea water is obviously water and the solute is salt...

If you have a solution of saltwater. In this solution what is the solvent and what is the solute?

The solvent is the water (chemical formula H2O). The solute is the salt (table salt, NaCl or another substance).

What is the solvent and solute in ocean water?

Salt and the water is the solvent in which it is dissolved. P.S-There are many more dissolved substances, however salt is the main one.

If sugar is dissolved in water which component will be the solute and which will be the solvent?

Sugar will be the solute, and water will be the solvent. The solute is the substance being dissolved (sugar), while the solvent is the substance in which the solute dissolves (water).

What is the solute and solvent in the ocean?

The water is the solvent; all other dissolved substances, including gases are solutes.

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... The solute is sugar or the tea mix, the solvent is the water.

What is the solute and solvent in chalk water?

Water is the solvent and chalk is the solute.

When sugar is dissolved in water is it solute or solvent?

The sugar is the solute and the water is the solvent. Whatever is dissolved is the solute, and whatever the solute is dissolved in is the solvent. The solvent dissolves the solute.

What are the examples of solute and solvents?

A hot tea is a solution of tea extact and sugar in water; tea extact and sugar are the solutes, water is the solvent.Vinegar is a solution of acetic acid (solute) in water (solvent).

What is the solute and solvent in ammonia water?

Ammonia (NH3) is the solute, and water (H2O) is the solvent in ammonia water.

What is the solute and solvent soda water?

The solvent is water, the solute is carbon dioxide.

What is the solute and solvent of soda water?

The solvent is water, the solute is carbon dioxide.