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Q: Is oily runoff from highways an example of a point source of pollution?
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Fertilizer runoff from a farm is an example of what?

nonpoint source pollution

Which is an example of non point source of freshwater pollution?

An example of a non-point source of freshwater pollution is runoff from agricultural fields carrying pesticides and fertilizers into nearby water bodies. This type of pollution comes from diffuse sources across a wide area and can be challenging to trace back to a specific origin.

Is road runoff a nonpoint source of pollution?


Which is a nonpoint source of water pollution?

fertalizer runoff

Is surface runoff an example of nonpoint source pollution?

Yes, surface runoff is an example of nonpoint source pollution. It occurs when rainwater or snowmelt flows over the ground, picking up pollutants such as fertilizers, pesticides, and chemicals, and carries them into water bodies like rivers and lakes. This type of pollution comes from diffuse sources across a wide area, making it challenging to pinpoint a single source.

Pollution that comes from a specific site?

Point source pollution refers to pollution that can be traced back to a single, identifiable source, such as a factory or wastewater treatment plant. This type of pollution can be easier to regulate and control compared to non-point source pollution, which comes from diffuse sources like agricultural runoff or urban runoff.

One major source of oil pollution is runoff from what?


What is the greatest source of pollution?

Humans. Human waste, human dumping, human pollution, and human runoff.

What is an example of a non-point water pollution?

An example of a non-point source water pollution is agricultural runoff, where pesticides and fertilizers are washed into nearby water bodies by rain or irrigation. This type of pollution comes from diffuse sources and is challenging to regulate and control compared to point source pollution from specific industrial outlets.

Which is an example of a nonpoint source of freshwater polluiton?

Agricultural runoff containing fertilizers and pesticides is a common example of a nonpoint source of freshwater pollution. When it rains, the chemicals from the fields can be washed into nearby streams and rivers, contributing to water pollution.

When the source of pollution cannot be pinpointed for example pesticide in surface water runoff you call this kind of pollution non-point source pollution true or false?

It in a way can be pin-pointed because every single chemical in the world is slightly different with a different can/bottle, and could in fact be traced.

What is the pollution that comes from one source?

point-sources pollution