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Q: Is one change brought about by the Second Vatican Council services being held in local languages rather than latin?
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Why do you need a Vatican 2?

The Second Vatican Council had been considered by Pope Pius XII, but Blessed John XXIII actually called it. The Council was primarily a pastoral council to see how the church could deal with the needs of people in the 20th century. The Council did not change the language of the Mass, but allowed for certain parts (such as the readings) to be in the language of the people. Many of the changes that people associate with Vatican Council II such as the design of churches and, even Mass in the common language had been tried before the Council and were brought about by people in the church in opposition to what the documents actually call for. Ultimately, a Council is the work of the Holy Spirit, and so it is God's way of communicating things to us.

What was the most visible change in the liturgy after the Second Vatican Council?

The most widely recognized change to the Divine Liturgy brought about by the Vatican II Council is the change from Latin to the vernacular (local) language. The most physically visible change lies in that the priest now faces the congregation while celebrating Mass, as opposed to having their back turned.

What is the most explicit change in the Church brought by the Vatican II?

Catholic AnswerThe Second Vatican Council was not a doctrinal Council, and thus made NO changes in the Church's doctrine. Vatican Council II, for the first time in history, was an entirely pastoral council. Of the twenty-one ecumenical councils of the Church, Vatican Council II was the only one to not deal with any doctrinal issues. The task assigned to the Council by Pope John XXIII was Aggiornamento, in Italian this means a bringing up to date. The Pope asked the Council to try to speak to the people of modern times, to put things in terms that they could understand, to make things more relevant to them. .Thus the most explicit change in the Church was one where the Church was called to be more outgoing, to train its faithful in the Christian life to realize that, as Christians, they are of necessity, evangelists.

What was 1 of the many changes that Pope John XX III made?

One of the many changes that Pope John XXIII made was convening the Second Vatican Council, which aimed to modernize and renew the Catholic Church. This council brought significant reforms, such as allowing the Mass to be celebrated in vernacular languages instead of Latin and promoting dialogue and ecumenism with other Christian denominations.

What council brought reform after protestant reformation?

council of Trent

What was the purpose of the Second Vatican Council?

The Second Vatican Council (otherwise known as Vatican II) was a pastoral council, convened in order to update and review the disciplines, policies and attitude of the Catholic Church vis-a-via the modern world. Many documents were drafted and voted on in this Council that had a very progressive flavor that ultimately caused a rift among the Council fathers as Conservatives fought to organize and resist the changes. What came out of this was a series of vague documents that both sides could effectively interpret. After Vatican II, the liberal forces having triumphed, the progressive view was adopted which led to the liturgical reforms that brought forth the modern Novus Ordo Missa or New Mass as well as the attitudes towards liturgy in general in its conduct, literature, prayers, architecture and ecumenism. The Council made no dogmatic definitions nor did it declare itself a full ecumenical council versus just a pastoral one. Traditionalists that continue to resist the effects of Vatican II point to this as their justification for rejecting outright or resisting the modern changes. An excellent and remarkably objective book on the Council is "The Rhine Flows into the Tiber" by Ralph M. Wiltgen, who was a journalist covering it at the time.

What does Vatican City produce?

The Vatican has no industry and no agriculture.

When did Latin become the official language of the catholic church?

There has never been an official language of the Vatican, contrary to much popular opinion. That said, the Vatican II in 1962 brought about the celebration of the Mass in more modern languages (English, French, German, etc.) instead of Latin. The only requirement for Latin is during the reading of the Consecration.

Which pope brought Michelangelo to Rome?

Pope Julius II brought Michelangelo to the Vatican to paint the Sistine Chapel ceiling.

How did Pope John XXIII's legacy impact the Church?

Pope John XXIII's legacy successfully convened a Second Vatican Council that brought about reforms in church life, liturgy and theology. The Catholic church resolved to cooperate with Christians from other denominations.

Who brought Germanic languages to Britain?

Germanic languages were brought to Britain by the Anglo-Saxons, who migrated from continental Europe in the 5th century AD. Their languages eventually evolved into what we now know as Old English.

What are the changes brought to us by the Second Vatican Council?

Answer from a CatholicI'm writing this answer in 2012, fifty years after the beginning of the Second Vatican Council and, although it will be news to most people in the pews, we are just NOW learning what the Council actually did, and believe me, I was in the Catholic seminary studying for the priesthood immediately after the Council, and I had no idea what the Council was about. We thought it was about putting the Mass, Breviary, and sacraments into English. You know what? The Council NEVER called for putting the Mass and Sacraments into the vernacular, in fact, they specifically, along with the Pope, praised Latin, and called for a "wider use of the vernacular" in the readings and such. Huh? Right. The altars were turned around and the priest now faces the people, again - not called for by the Council. The Council's major documents (and there were a lot) were the Church in the Modern World, and the Constitution on the Church. These documents called for a renewed and vital interest in the Scriptures, Evangelization, making the Church relevant to the world NOT changing the Church to look like the world. The Fathers of the Council were trying to bring the Church to bear on modern problems NOT to bring modern problems into the Church. Read the documents, NOT commentaries on them, they are remarkable, and the changes we actually saw? They were NOT called for the Council.