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Yes, opening other people's mail without their permission is considered a crime in the Philippines under the Anti-Opening of Others' Mail Law. This law prohibits the unauthorized opening, reading, and obstruction of mail meant for others. Offenders may face penalties and imprisonment.

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Q: Is opening other peoples mail a crime in the Philippines?
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What are other names for crime scene investigator?

Forensic investigator, crime scene analyst, evidence technician.

How does DNA help in solving crime?

DNA found at a crime scene can be compared to DNA samples from suspects or a DNA database to identify potential perpetrators. The unique sequence of DNA acts as a genetic fingerprint, providing strong evidence to link individuals to the scene of a crime. DNA analysis has become a powerful tool in both exonerating innocent individuals and convicting guilty ones.

What is the difference between crime scene investigator and crime scene analyst?

A crime scene investigator collects physical evidence from crime scenes, documents and preserves it for analysis. A crime scene analyst, on the other hand, works in a lab to analyze evidence collected by investigators, such as DNA, fingerprints, and ballistics, to provide conclusions and insights to aid in investigations.

What is the difference between crime and delinquency?

Crime refers to actions that violate criminal laws and are punishable by the legal system. Delinquency, on the other hand, specifically refers to illegal or antisocial behavior committed by minors who are considered under-aged as per the legal system. In other words, delinquency is a type of crime committed by juveniles.

What is the different of crime sociologist and criminal sociologist?

Crime sociologists study the causes and patterns of crime in society, focusing on criminal behavior, its social impact, and the prevention of crime. Criminal sociologists, on the other hand, specifically analyze criminal behavior and the social factors that influence individuals to engage in criminal activities. They may also examine the criminal justice system and its effectiveness in dealing with crime. While the two fields overlap, criminal sociologists have a narrower focus on criminal behavior.

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Is opening other peoples' mail a crime in Illinois?

Opening other peoples' mail is a crime everywhere in the United States. It is a federal crime.

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Is opening other peoples emails without permission a crime in louisiana?

It is a crime everywhere, as federal law protects emails under the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 USC 2510-2521.

Is opening other people's mail in the workplace a crime?

I don't know if it's a crime but it sure is unethical.

Is opening other people's mail a crime if it was sent via fedex not the USPS?

Yes. It may not be a federal crime, but it's still a crime.

What is penality for opening other peoples mail posted in your mailbox?

There is no penalty in America, you get to keep it.

What is the punishment for opening delaying or withholding other peoples mail in the uk?

up to 12 months in prison

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It steals other peoples property so you got it there. Since ladies and gents are imprisoned for long time.

Is it a crime if someone accuses you of opening their mail?

It's not a "crime" to accuse someone of opening mail if it is accompanied by proof or probable cause that they were doing it. However, it IS a violation of US Postal Regulations (a federal offense) to open mail belonging to someone other than the addressee.

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The world trades open to the Philippines has caused for the spaniards to sell more products to other countries. Since the materials came from the Philippines they use our resources and do not repay us as they sell more things we grow to have less resources But the positive is that our economy increases

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NO. Imperialism and subjugation of other peoples is almost never justified. The crimes and atrocities that the US committed in Cuba and the Philippines are innumerable.