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Q: Is orif the same as a hip replacement?
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What is the different between an open reduction internal fixation and Arthroplasty?

Open reduction internal fixation (ORIF) is a surgical technique used to put fractured bones back into place and secure them with internal hardware like plates and screws, while arthroplasty is a surgical procedure to replace a joint with a prosthesis. ORIF is typically used for bone fractures, while arthroplasty is used for severe joint damage or degenerative conditions like arthritis.

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Can you have a pelvis replacement such as a hip replacement?

No. A lot of people are confused by the term "hip replacement", since the term hip and the term pelvis often refer to the same structure. However, a "hip replacement" only involves replace of the hip joint, and very little of the pelvic structure other than that. Recall that the legs are connected to the pelvis via a ball-and-socket type joint. In a hip replacement, the worn out, natural "socket" (known as the acetabulum) is replaced with synthetic replacement, while topmost end of the thigh bone (femur) is removed to allow installation of the synthetic (usually titanium) "ball".

What are the treatments for hip dysplasia?

Hip resurfacing or total hip replacement

When did Roald Dahl get a hip replacement?

Roald Dahl had a hip replacement surgery in 1965 after a car accident in New York.

Best Hip replacement surgeons in Chennai?

Hip Replacement or hip arthroplasty is a surgical procedure to treat the damaged portion of the hip. A person who performs this procedure by making certain incisions to remove the damaged part of the hip and replacing them with prosthetic implants is a Hip Replacement surgeon.

Would i be too young at sixty six for a hip replacement?

If you need a hip replacement, then age is not an issue.

What bone leg is involved in hip replacement?

The femur is the leg bone involved in hip replacement.

How soon after hip replacement surgery can I donate blood?

blood plasma donation after total hip replacement

How is an ORIF performed?

. How is ORIF performed

What is the diff - between hip replacement and hip revision?

Hip replacements can be both. But a revision is simply when they have to re-operate, or revise an exisiting hip replacement, often by putting a new one in.

Do you need to be concerned that your hip replacement joint squeaks?

A replacement hip should not be squeaking. Contact your surgeon regarding this. There may be a recall on the replacement hip, or there may be a more simple solution. Do not assume that this is normal.