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No republic is based on minority rule. On the contrary, republics are based on every adult having a vote, -this is called MAJORITY rule

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Q: Is our republic based on the minority rule?
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What is a a republic?

A republic is a country which is not run by an hereditary head of state. That is, it is not run by a king or any other sort of monarch who inherited the job from his or her father or mother. Each new ruler is chosen. A republic does not have to be democratic, it can be an oligarchy (rule by a minority), or a Dictatorship (rule by one person). Most republics claim to be democratic. Republic is a form of government. This is people with power.

What is the opposite of minority rule?

Majority rule

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Democracy as we know it IS "a government that is run by each and every persons own vote". The problem with Democracy is that it is tyranny of the majority over the minority. The U.S. Government was set up as a Constitutional Republic, NOT a Democracy, so that even the minority has a voice, and so the Majority doesn't rule over the Minority. - Pat Riot

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Dictatorship or minority rule

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The USA is a democratic republic, but it is also a constitutional republic. From Wikipedia: "the United States relies on representative democracy, but [its] system of government is much more complex than that. [It is] not a simple representative democracy, but a constitutional republic in which majority rule is tempered by minority rights protected by law."

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A republic is a country which is not run by an hereditary leader. That is, it is not run by a king or any other sort of monarch who inherited the job from his or her father or mother. Each new ruler is chosen.A republic does not have to be democratic, it can be an oligarchy (rule by a minority). Most republics claim to be democratic, even if they aren't.

What is majiority rule and minority rule in simple terms?

minority- the small groupMajority- the big groupi hope this helps. its actually really simple:)

Why are you a republic?

A republic is not a person, it is a type of government.A republic is a country which is not run by an hereditary leader. That is, it is not run by a king or any other sort of monarch who inherited the job from his or her father or mother. Each new ruler is chosen.A republic does not have to be democratic, it can be an oligarchy (rule by a minority). Most republics claim to be democratic, even if they aren't.

Why did Vietnam war have a majority rule?

The Republic of SOUTH Vietnam was a free society; NORTH Vietnam was communist based.

What was accomplished by making the roman republic?

By establishing the Republic, the Romans rid themselves of the whims of a one man rule and established a government based on consultation of elected officials.