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Both. Veins lead to the heart whereas arteries go in the opposite direction. When a blood cell first enters the heart, it is deoxygenated or DO2. After it goes through the Superior Verna Cava (top of heart) or Inferior Vena Cava (bottom of heart) it goes into the right atrium, through the tricuspid valve, into the right Ventrical, passed the Chordae Tendonae (ring out the heart) into the pulmenary valve. There, it jumps to the pulmenary artery (leads away from heart) and goes to either the right or left lung. In the lung, it switches DO2 for O2 and goes through the pulmenary vein which leads to the left atrium, through the mitral valve, into the left ventical, passed the chordae tendonae, into the Septum, through the Perkinje fibers and the bundle of HIS where it goes to the Aorta. then, it either goes to the ascending aorta to spread to the arms and brain, or down to the descending aorta to spread to the legs and feet. The Pulmenary artery is the only artery in the whole body that carries DO2 and the pulmenary vien is the only vein that carries O2. otherwise, oxygenated blood is carried by veins.

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Q: Is oxygen-rich blood carried by veins or arteries?
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Is waste material in the blood carried through the arteries?

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Blood is carried through the body by?

Arteries, Capillaries, and Veins.

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Blood carried by the pulmonary arteries is deoxygenated. Blood carried by the pulmonary veins is oxygenated.

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Blood is carried away from the heart in arteries or veins?

It depends. The blood that is being carried away from to the body is oxygenated blood and the blood that is being carried away from the heart and heading towards the lungs is called deoxgenated blood. OXYGENATED blood has a high percentage of oxygen and deoxygenated blood has a low percentage of oxygen.

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The blood in our heart is carried to all parts of our body. The heart pumps the blood, and the blood is carried by veins. The veins are all over our body. They have a system; out to our body, and back to the heart.

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the three blood vessels are the Veins capillaries Arteries the arteries.

What do arteries and veins drain?

Arteries drain (pump blood) into veins. Veins drain into your lungs and heart to be re-oxygenated. (This is not true for veins and arteries to and from your lungs.)

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What are the kinds of blood vessels?

Capillaries, arteries, and veins are the kinds of blood vessels.

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Veins, arteries and capillaries are the pathways in which blood is carried throughout the body.