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Q: Is ozone layer depletion a chemical change or physical?
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What is the name of chemical compound which is responsible for the depletion of ozoned layer?

The chemical compound which is responsible for the depletion of ozone layer is CFC. They are chlorine and fluorine compounds which react with ozone to deplete it.

What are the impact ofchemistry on the ozone layer?

Ozone layer and it's depletion is pure chemistry. It's formation and depletion is due to the chemical bonds.

How does the depletion of the ozone layer contribute to climate change?

Depletion of ozone alters ecosystem. This then alters the climate change.

Does depletion to the ozone layer cause changes in the bio-geochemical cycle?

The depletion of the ozone layer will cause UV to enter the earth. These will disturb the bio-chemical cycle.

Eggs turn into an omelette physical change or chemical change?

Hello since im a scientist id be happy to answer your question now it's a....PHYSICAL CHANGE

What chemical changes the protective ozone layer?

Ozone layer has undergone various changes. These are the depletion of ozone molecules.

What about tarnishing of silver is chemical or physical change?

It's a chemical change. A thin layer of silver on the surface reacts with oxygen in the air - to form silver oxide.

Why chemical are responsible for the depletion of ozone layer?

CFC's are responsible. They react with ozone to deplete it.

Is toast physical change or chemical change?

Making toast is a chemical reaction because you can't change it back into untoasted bread.The drying of the bread is physical but the actual caramelization or darkening of the outer bread layer is a chemical change. The outer edges of the bread are beginning to char. Generally, a color change is an indicator of a chemical change.

What does depletion of the ozone layer mean?

See "What is the depletion of the ozone layer?"

Why is the ozone layer impotance to the climate change?

The ozone layer is very important to climate change. It's depletion can cause climate adversity.

Chemical responsible for ozone layer depletion?

CFC's are responsible. They react with ozone to deplete it.