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Pastry margarine performs better than butter in making puff pastry because of its high melting point. It does not melt quickly, thus allowing time for the puff pastry dough to rise sufficiently high while not making it heavy and soggy. Then as the temperature increases, the pastry margarine will then melt and infuse into the risen pastry, giving it its scrumptious flavor.

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Q: Is pastry margarine used for puff pastry because it freezes well or has high melting point?
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Related questions

Does the amount of pastry margarine used effect the quality of a puff pastry product?

Yes, it would. For best results, use the amount of margarine called for in your recipe.

How do you make pastry?

you mix flour, water and margarine/butter together. put it in the pastry design you want cook it then you get a pastry!

Is dough pastry made with margarine or butter?

Pastries are typically made with butter because it makes them quite flaky and they brown well. ALso, since the other ingredients in most types of pastry are just flour and salt (and maybe yeast), butter has a lot to do with the flavour. Margarine based pastry will taste different and may not be quite as flaky. Good quality bakeries probably only use butter, while a lot of commercial products are made with margarine or other fats/oils. Read the lable to find out.

What is the substitue of uni puff pastry?

actually unipuff is palm oil margarine it is a fake brand name which is only used in pakistan……so any margarine contains palm oil as ingredient is unipuff

What is the function of margarine in cake?

The function of margarine in pastry is how the pastry becomes light and crunchy. As the butter or margarine is folded into the dough it makes pockets. Once the pastry is heated the butter melts out into the dough leaving the space it once occupied as a solid.

What is a Margarine carving?

Margarine carving is when people have a big block of butter and carve it like ice sculptures. They use a butter knife and it can take many hours to complete.

Is alli Simpson a sponser of pastry?

no shes not because she told in the news that she is not a sponser of pastry.

How is pastry made from margarine different from pastry made from butter?

Produces a less 'short' and less flaky result as the fat content is lower. May also rise / have less air separation between the layers (for example in puff pastry) due to the difference in the amount of water that is present and available for evaporation. The pasty may feel denser in texture and more solid in the mouth than pastry made with butter.

What is the purpose of the fat in pastry?

There is really no reason, it just is in a pastry because you need oil to make it

Can you be a chef and pastry chef at the same time?

Yes you can because pastry chef and chef are both the art of cooking.

The last half of this bird is a pastry filled with meat or fruit and baked in an oven?

The bird is a magpie because the pastry is a pie.

Why did pastry become so popular?

Because they are delicieuses. :)