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the pharynx act is a connecting tube from the mouth to the stomach providing mechanical propulsion

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Q: Is pharynx a mechanical or chemical digestion?
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What are the organs of the digestion in order that the food passes through?

The mechanical process of digestion is first, followed closely by chemical digestion. After that it is mostly chemical digestion, then absorption, and lastly elimination, or defecation.

What type of digestion is produced by breaking down and chewing food?

Chemical digestion

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What is the importance of the pharynx and the esophagus in the digestion process?

While the pharynx and esophagus do not perform any mechanical or chemical digestive processes, they provide a critical service for the digestive system. They move food from the mouth to the stomach.

Is mouth mechanical or chemical digestion?

Saliva begins the chemical digestion of starch. It also is important for the success of mechanical digestion of the mouth, but does not, in its own, perform mechanical digestion.

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Mechanical and chemical digestion are not the same.

A Comparison of mechanical digestion and chemical digestion?

chemical digestion is breaking down with saliva, and mechanical digestion is chewing...(break down with chew!):):P

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Why is mechanical digestion important for chemical. Digestion?

Mechanical digestion chops the food in to smaller pieces, thus exposing more of it to the enzymes of the chemical digestion.Mechanical digestion begins in the mouth by the teeth, tongue and saliva. Mechanical digestion is important for chemical digestion because when food is broken down into smaller particles by mechanical means, chemical digestion will be more efficient.

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