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Actually, no. Organisms in the kingdom Plantae do not contain chlorophyll and do not undergo photosynthesis. Only organsims in kingdom Plantae undergo photosynthesis. Organisms in kingdom Fungi are typically parasitic and live on other organisms.

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Q: Is phtosynethesis a important role of fungi in the ecosystem?
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Why does a fungi play an important role?

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Is fungi a decomposer in the savanna?

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Why are bacteria and fungi important to an ecosystem?

Microorganisms like bacteria and fungi break down dead organisms and release nutrients back into the soil for plants in a ecosystem Not much info but there you go, and they probably do more than that but oh well. Its role is also a decomposer.

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Rhizopus is a fungus which belongs to class zygomycotes of kingdom fungi. Fungi are very important decomposers of nature and only bacteria is more effective decomposer then fungi, so they have a role as recyclers of material in nature.

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