

Is pi periodic

Updated: 12/10/2022
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15y ago

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no every periodic number is rational but pi is irrational

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Q: Is pi periodic
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Are the digits in pi periodic?

No. Every periodic number is rational but pi is irrational.

Property common to all trigonometric functions?

Trigonometric functions are periodic - they repeat after a period of pi, or 2 x pi.Trigonometric functions are periodic - they repeat after a period of pi, or 2 x pi.Trigonometric functions are periodic - they repeat after a period of pi, or 2 x pi.Trigonometric functions are periodic - they repeat after a period of pi, or 2 x pi.

Are pi's digits periodic?


Are pi's digits peridic?

The digits of pi are not periodic. Pi is an irrational constant, and if its digits were periodic, it could be expressed as a ratio of constant integers, meaning it would be rational.

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Is a sine function a periodic function?

Yes, the sine function is a periodic function. It has a period of 2 pi radians or 360 degrees.

Is sine and cosine a periodic function?

Yes they are. Both have a a period of 2 pi

Which functions has a period?

You can invent any function, to make it periodic. Commonly used functions that are periodic include all the trigonometric functions such as sin and cos (period 2 x pi), tan (period pi). Also, when you work with complex numbers, the exponential function (period 2 x pi x i).

Why you restrict the argument of a complex number between -pi and pi?

Because the trigonometric functions (sine and cosine) are periodic, with period 2*pi. If the argument were not restricted, you would have an infinite number of answers. You could, of course, restrict the argument to any interval of size 2*pi: 3.5pi to 5.5pi, for example.

Can all of pie ever be found?

If you mean the number pi, no. It has an infinite number of digits (in any base), and those are not periodic.

Where irrational numbers are used in daily life?

pi is an irrational number so most calculations involving circles, ellipses and other curves are likely to involve pi. All periodic motion, such as electromagnetic waves, sound, pendulums, etc are linked to pi.

Why use pie in periodic functions?

Pie is tasty. Pi, however, is what you use in periodic functions. +++ And you do so because periodic functions have properties linked to those of the circle. (You can illustrate this by plotting a sine curve on graph-paper, from a circle whose diameter is the peak-peak amplitude of the wave..)