

Is playing sports for fun counted as part of your culture?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Is playing sports for fun counted as part of your culture?
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Three things that are part culture?

Language, foods, sports, beliefs, religions...etc.

What is the difference between physical education and sports?

Sports, you have lots of them. Cricket is a sport but PE is playing sports

What was Apollo's lyre for?

For playing on. He was the god of light and culture, music is part of it.

Should school students have activities after school?

Yes! Why not? Some children get bullied in school, preventing them from playing any sports AT school. And, Kids are supposed to play sports. It's part of their culture! So if you sign YOUR child up for an after school activity, your child is getting a chance to experience it.

What is difference between playing sports and watching sports?

Playing Sports is giving the exercise and fulfilling a enjoyable activity Watching Sports is actually the same thing, your in the action, imagining yourself in that game, but you not moving. So the action part is really the difference.

What sport isn't linked to geography?

All sports are linked to geography because geography also includes people in an area, and sports are part of people's culture.

What is the Importance of sports sociology in the field of physical education?

Sports sociology examines sports as a part of the culture and social fabric of life.

What sports and games are played in Nigeria?

in nigeria they play alot of soccer soccer is a huge part of there culture and life stlye

Why should bullies be able to play sports?

Usually, people who are good at sports aren't just left out, bullies or not. Part of playing sports is learning to deal with the people who are a bit difficult.

Does All Sports feature sports from other country's such as soccer?

"Yes, most all sports feature sports from all countries such as soccer. Soccer is becoming more popular across the world and a bigger part of mainstream culture all over."

Does CULTURE include sports and games?

Yes, sports and games are considered a part of culture as they reflect the values, traditions, and experiences of a particular society or community. They can play a significant role in shaping and defining a culture through competition, recreation, and social interactions.

What culture were the Aztecs a part of?

The Aztecs was THE culture. They were not part of any other culture.