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It is an infectious disease. However, you are more apt to get it if you smoke or have otherwise unhealthy lungs.

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Q: Is pneumonia a lifestyle disease hereditary disease or infectious disease?
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Tay-sachs disease differs from an infectious disease because it is a hereditary disease, so it can only be passed from parents to their offspring.

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Is cardiovascular disease hereditary?

yes, but they can be prevented by practicing a healthy lifestyle.

What is the difference between lifestyle disease and hereditary disease?

lifestyle diseases are a result of a bad lifestyle, heriditary diseases are also a result of a bad lifestyle but heredity plays a part in whether u get the disease

Whether Pneumonia is one of the genetic diseases?

No....its not a genetic disease but rather an infectious disease cause bu bacteria or virus.

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Tuberculosis is a bacterial disease generally spread through the air by coughing or sneezing.

What is the medical condition parrot fever?

Parrot fever is a rare infectious disease that causes pneumonia in humans.

If cardiovascular disease is hereditary, what can I do to lower my risk?

If a disease is hereditary, there aren't many ways to prevent it except for asking your doctor for health advice and tips on how to change your lifestyle choices for yourself and those who you're worried about.

Is influenza a heredity disease?

No. Influenza is an infectious disease. A hereditary disease is one you are born with because one or both of your parents carry the gene responsible for passing the disease on to their children. For instance, if you visited a friend who had cystic fibrosis and 'flu, you could catch the 'flu from him, but not the hereditary disease of cystic fibrosis.

What was the most infectious diseases of the 1900s?

In the 19th century there were lots of different types of disease but the most common ones are: tuberculosis, typhoid, scarlet fever and measles and hundreds of thousands of people died from these diseases.