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Q: Is pond skater a producer decomposer or consumer?
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Is a pond skater a producer?

Yes. It is in fact a producer. For it provides food for certain animals at the pond such as ducks, geese, frogs, etc.

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Is a blatterwort a pond consumer?

No, the bladderwort is a plant - a producer.

Can a pond skater swim?

a pond skater cannot swim but can walk on water

Where does a pond skater live?

... by a pond...

Does a pond skater have a shell?


What colour is a pond skater?

the answer is blue

What is the size of a pond skater?

A pond skater is a type of small bug. They may be winged or wingless and are 8-10 mm in length.

What do pond skater eat?

Pond Skater usually small fish, insect ,bird and when they bites people its usually painful

How does pond skater breathe?

by drinking the water

How many legs does a Pond Skater have?


Is the pond skater an endangered animal?

Yes in Boston the are not harmed a bit but the giant pond skater is in danger of being extinct because of habitat paloution.