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A mis-diagnosis is always possible. It all depends on how many tests the doctor has performed and how accurate they are. However, a doctor probably wouldn't break the news about having lung cancer until he is sure it is lung cancer. An exception would be if he did not see something that would make the disorder other than lung cancer.

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Q: Is possible doctor diagnosed lung cancer and later found it is not lung cancer?
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The American Cancer Society estimates that approximately 1 million cases of cancer are diagnosed each year. Seventy-seven percent of cancers are diagnosed in men and women over the age of 55

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It is recommended by the Mayo Clinic website that a male between the ages of 40 and 75 are recommended by physicians to have a prostate cancer screening done. If one is diagnosed with prostate cancer then it is best to catch it as early as possible. More information on the process of having a prostate cancer screening performed can be found online at the Mayo Clinic website.

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Yes you can get a smokers designation and if you do not have lung cancer you will most likely get a smokers designation if there are not any other ailments that are found through the underwriting process. Michael Hartmann

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What is mild atypia?

Depending on where it was found, it only means that there some cell that does not look normal and that this needs to be investigated further. However, it does not mean that you are diagnosed with cancer. Until confirmed by pathology department, it is not cancer.

What if you were diagnosed with cancer after you received an okay from health ins co?

If you have been diagnosed with cancer the first thing I would say is ask your doctor. but I don't think that would probably happen though. and also,doctors say you got cancer there sertain,they won't tell you if the think you have?Anyway you wouldn't (don't think so anyway) And it would be a bit weird if you had some1 say 2 you "you have got cancer,but we found it early so you should b ok." And then you got a letter saying no it was a false alarm. bout the main thing I would do is ask a pro Hope this helped. PS: if it did happen I would go 2 my doctor book a private appointment :):):)

How many men are diagnosed with breast cancer each year?

About 1500 men a year are diagnosed with breast cancer. A little less than a third will die from it. Mainly because breastcancer in men is not very usual, many male patients discover their sickness very late, which makes curing it more difficult.

Do you have Cancer you have a lump on your neck that keeps growing?

Yes. Cancer is normally a growth of cells that can be either benign or malignant. As these cells generally have abnormal groths and can be found in the skin, cancer can in fact be found anywhere on the body.

How Maurice Richard die?

In the spring of 2000, Maurice Richard was hospitalized after he was found to have abdominal cancer. He had first been diagnosed with cancer in 1998. On May 27, 2000, he died of respiratory failure after slipping into a coma.

Does Robert Pattinson have pre mature lung cancer?

yes, he was diagnosed with pre mature lung cancer. the caner is found to be benine which means it will spread if not properly cared for. it is noted that he smokes which increased his chances for the disease.

In the story Brians Song what kind of cancer did Brian have?

Brian Piccolo was diagnosed with embryonal cell carcinoma as mediastinal teratoma (embryonal cell carcinoma being the type of cancer, found as a large tumor in his chest cavity.)