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No. Potting mix is a mix of soil among other things specially made for plant being put in pots. Where as fertilizer is a mix of chemicals used to help your plants grow healthy and boost its growth, should be used carefully.

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Q: Is potting mix and fertilizer the same thing?
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Related questions

What types of soil do plants need?

Plants need a fertilizer (and soil) called potting mix.

Does potting mix kill earthworms?

Potting mix does not kill earthworms.

How do you pot hanging planters?

Here's how to do it on a high-level:Insert the linerInsert plants through the sides if your basket uses coir or sphagnum moss linerAdd a base of potting mix which includes a slow release fertilizer to the potting mixAdd plants and fill up with potting mixWater generously

What fertilizer can be added to prepared bed to grow Strawberries?

Potting mix. It grows more and makes it taste better if it's organic. Have fun growing!

What is the difference between potting soil and potting mix?

The difference between potting soil and potting mix is mainly in the degree of soil. Potting mix includes other organic ingredients such as leaves of the marijuana and cocaine plants that have been processed and chewed by people in columbia.

What are examples of brands of a Standard Potting soil?

Yates Potting Mix.Bunnings Standard Potting Mix.

What is the recipe for loam?

Making a good loam for planting purposes is rather simple. Start with 1 bag of potting soil and mix in heated loam that has been strained. Next mix in peat, fertilizer, sand, and limestone. The last inclusion is compost.

Is potting mix acidic or alkaline?

Potting mix can vary in pH depending on the composition. Generally, commercial potting mixes are slightly acidic to neutral in pH, around the range of 5.5 to 7.0. It's important to choose a potting mix that is suitable for the specific plants you are growing, as different plants thrive in different pH levels.

Does potting mix put lungs at risk?

Potting mix, in and of itself, will not harm your lungs. However, there are some soil additives that you do not want to breathe the dust of for long durations. Some types of mosses have been shown to cause respiratory problems in workers who are exposed long-term to them (like peat moss and sphagnum moss), and vermiculite can have a small amount of asbestos in it. The best thing to do is to work with moist potting mix (not dusty) and if you have concerns about respiratory problems with your potting soils, use a simple dust mask (like the kind found in the tool section of hardware stores near the sand paper) when potting plants.

What type of soil holds water best top soil or potting soil?

potting soil, but is better to mix 70% potting soil and 30% top soil with horse manure

How much does 1 liter of potting mix weigh in kg?

One litre of water weighs 1Kg. So if the potting mix is compacted so there is no air it can weigh up to 1Kg. However, usually potting mix is not heavily compacted and commonly you'll find it occupies about half a litre of space when compacted. Therefore, a litre of average potting mix will weigh about half a kilogram (500g).

How should bulk potting mix be stored?

In the ground. With a plant in it. Bro