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a mixture

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Q: Is powdered sulfur and iron filling a mixture or a solution?
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Is iron filings and powdered sulfur a homogeneous mixture?

No, the mixture of powdered sulfur and iron filling are not a homogenous mixture, they are a heterogenous mixture.

Is powdered sulphur and iron filings a solution or a mixture?

Solutions are a type of mixture, so it's not really an either/or thing. However, in order to be considered a solution, the mixture must be homogenous, and a mixture of sulfur and iron filings is decidedly not homogeneous on a microscopic level. So it's (just) a mixture, not the specific type of mixture called a solution.

Is powdered sulfur and copper fillings a mixture?

Yes, a mixture of powdered sulfur and copper fillings is possible. Both substances can be physically mixed together without undergoing a chemical reaction, so they would be considered a heterogeneous mixture.

How do you separate sulfur from mixture of carbon particles and powdered roll sulfur?

One way to separate sulfur from a mixture of carbon particles and powdered roll sulfur is by using a process called sublimation. Sulfur sublimes at a lower temperature than carbon, so when the mixture is heated, the sulfur will turn into a gas and can be collected separately from the carbon particles.

What type of mixture is formed when iron filling reacts with sulfur powder?

Reacting iron with sulfur an iron sulfide is formed, not a mixture.

What is formed when a mixture of powdered iron and sulfur is heated?

When a mixture of powdered iron and sulfur is heated, iron sulfide is formed. Iron sulfide is a compound composed of iron and sulfur atoms that have reacted together through a chemical reaction.

Is sulfur a element solution heterogeneous mixture or a solution?


Is sulfur an element compound solution heterogeneous mixture?

Sulfur is an element.

Is iron and sulfur a solution?

Iron and sulfur mixed together are not a solution because they do not dissolve in each other. Instead, they form a physical mixture known as a mixture or a heterogeneous mixture.

What substance can be used to separate a mixture of iron fillings and powdered sulfur?

A magnet can be used to separate iron fillings from powdered sulfur. Iron fillings are magnetic and will be attracted to the magnet, while sulfur is non-magnetic and will remain unaffected.

Is an sulfur an element a compound a solution or a heterogeneous mixture?

Sulfur is an element, which means it is made up of only one type of atom. It is not a compound, solution, or heterogeneous mixture.

Balance chemical equation for iron filling and sulfur powder mixture?

Fe + S = FeS