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I would wait til one week or two from when you took those pregnancy tests. It is likely because my friend got pregnant and had her period but it was light then took a test like two weeks after she stopped bleeding then it came back positive but everyone is different you just have to keep an eye on it.

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Q: Is pregnancy likely if you are 5 days late but on the 5th day bleeding has occured but its lighter then normal Two previous pregnancy tests have come back negative as well?
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Why would you have your period for just one day?

If you have had sex recently, it could be implantation bleeding. Take a pregnancy test. If it is negative, wait and see what will happen with your next period. If you miss that or it is lighter or shorter than usual, go and see the doctor

How do you know if it is a regular period or pregnancy period?

Implantation bleeding only lasts 2-3 days and is more of a lighter pink color.

Can you be pregnant if your period is light and late if you have the contraceptive implant?

Pregnancy on the contraceptive implant is not likely. Lighter bleeding is normal on the contraceptive implant, as is changes in timing. You should not expect a regular, monthly episode of bleeding on the implant.

3 negative pregnancy test now you are having cramping and light bleeding for about a week you are on Nuva Ring on your 2nd cycle What is going on?

Like any hormonal birth control method, Nuva Ring is likely to cause lighter flow and shorter periods than you had before you started on it. In the first three months, you may have irregular spotting or bleeding. It's less common on Nuva Ring than on the pill, but it can occur. After the three month "breaking in" period, you should see more regular periods and lighter flow. Sometimes, on Nuva Ring, the flow gets so light that you don't notice anything at all. That is normal, and there's no need for concern if you used the ring correctly last month. You can take a pregnancy test if you're concerned, though. Whatever bleeding you have, just keep using the ring on the schedule on your calendar, regardless of bleeding. If you've had three negative pregnancy tests, miscarriage is not a likely diagnosis.

Why is my period lighter after i got a positive on a pregnancy test?

It is most probably not a period, but implantation bleeding. As long as there is no clotting or lumps it is fine. If you are still worried, go speak to your doctor.

Does spotting look like your period?

its much lighter bleeding than your period, but also could just be your period starting out slow. Take a pregnancy test just to be sure!

You stopped using birth control pills now you have heavy bleeding is that normal?

The birth control pill makes bleeding lighter by prevening heavy buildup of the uterine lining. When you stop, your period will go back to its previous pattern, before you were on the pill.

Negative pregnancy test and bleeding but pregnancy symptoms?

I don't already know if you have your answer by now Also, i hope it may help other people. False negatives are very common, especially if the test is taken too early. ALso, you can bleed while pregnant and i be completely normal actually most bleeding during pregnancy is normal. Normally this bleeding is caused by the change in hormone levels which are all over the place during pregnancy but especially around the time your are to actually receive your monthly. And as for the reddybrown color, that is normally the color tht the hormal bleeding is. Sometimes even lighter than that. Although the smell thing is a little wierd normally i have heard of the smell getting worse but idk maybe. I don't know if you already have the answers to these ?s but i hope this helps someone else anyways!

Can you be pregnant if your last 3 periods are 2 days shorter and its much much lighter and your partner has been ejaculating inside you for about 3 months while ovulating?

while you cant have a true period while pregnant you can have early pregnancy bleeding which can last up to half the pregnancy, early pregnancy bleeding is usually shorter and lighter, and while you are ovulating is the highest chance to become pregnanct, so it sounds like you have a high chance of being pregnant, take a home test and go from there, hope for the best

What are the signs of a failed pregnancy?

Severe cramping and bleeding - usually the bleeding is heavy but can sometimes be lighter. Also you may see something solid pass - that could be the embryo. If you think you've had a failed pregnancy see a doctor immediately. If your body is trying to miscarry the embryo and it doesn't get it all or if it's an ectopic pregnancy (meaning implanted in the tubes) then it can be very dangerous and can cause infection or worse if not taken care of.

How do you know your period is ending?

The bleeding will get lighter and lighter towards the end of your period. bloating will decrease

Is it possible to be pregnant if you have most of the symptoms but still get your period on time although it is lighter than usual?

If you have symptoms of EARLY pregnancy and are seeing SLIGHT bleeding you may have "implantation bleeding". This is caused by the fertilized egg becoming implanted in the wall of the uterus in very early pregnancy. Take a simple, cheap do-it-yourself pregnancy test bought at the drug store. Follow the directions and they are very accurate. If you are pregnant, then God bless you and your child!