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No, it is an asset and must be disclosed.

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Q: Is product liability lawsuit exempt from chapter 7 bankruptcy asset?
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Breast implants

How was the class action lawsuit settled?

The way it is settled depends on the type of class action lawsuit. The process for a product liability class action, for example, will be different than an employment class action suit-such as the one involving Wal-Mart right now.

What type of attorney typically handle product liability claims?

The type of attorney that handles product liability claims is acatually a product liability attorney!

What type of attorneys handle product liability questions?

Personal injury attorneys specialize in the area of product liability. They are the appropriate type of attorney to contact with any questions related to product liability.

Can a creditor ask for purchased product as collateral in chapter 7 bankruptcy?

Yes. I foreclosed on a home and bought another one cash before being discharged from bankruptcy. I was told by the attorney that creditors can ask the courts and the court will confiscate your purchased product and sell for whatever amount and that amount will be given to the creditor(s).

What are the laws in the Philippines about product liability?

The laws in the Philippines about product liability is strict and has liabilities that can be both criminal and civil.

What is the attorneys product liability?

Attorney product liability is any attorney who can help in a case where a consumer has been injured or harmed otherwise by a defective product.

What is product liability?

"Product liability is a specific type of law. What it says is that basically, a product's maker or supplier has to be held accountable for any injuries that the specific product may cause."

Do inventor and owners of prouct need product liability ins?

It is not mandatory for inventors or owners of a product to carry product liability insurance. Most insurance agencies will say that it is wise for them to obtain product liability insurance in order to protect them from potential risks.

What is consumer liability?

Consumer liability, also known as product liability or strict product liability, is an area of civil law that provides remedies for consumers who are injured by a defective product. Under consumer liability, the company, supplier, and/or vendor of the defective product can be held liable for injuries caused to a consumer because of the defect. Consumer liability primarily deals with warranties, manufacturing and design defects, and issues related to inadequate warnings.

How is consumer safety connected with product liability?

The term product liability basically means that companies who make products available for to the public are responsible if they in any way harm or cause injuries. So, product liability takes into account the consumer safety of it's product.

When you are dissatisfied with a product or service filing a lawsuit is the fastest most direct way toget action?

When you are dissatisfied with a product or service, filing a lawsuit is the fastest, most direct way to get action.