

Is prokaryotes a archeabacteria

Updated: 8/18/2019
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9y ago

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Archebacteria are prokaryotic organisms. So they do not have nucleus.

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Q: Is prokaryotes a archeabacteria
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No, archeabacteria are prokaryotes.

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Are archeabacteria prokaryotes or eukaryotes?

All bacteria are prokaryotic.

What are organsims that do not have a nucleus bounded by a membrane?

They are called prokaryotes. Eubacteria and Archeabacteria.

Domain containing ancient bacterial forms?

archeabacteria. they are the very simple prokaryotes.

Do prokaryotes belong to the kingdom protista?

No, protista are eukaryote. Prokaryotes are broken into two kingdoms. Archeabacteria ( ancient bacteria ) and Eubacteria ( true bacteria )

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Archaea Domain

Are Archeabacteria simple or complex celled?

Archeabacteria are the most simple celled organisms. they can thrive in hazardous regions because they are so simple. being simple allows them to live in such harsh regions like high salt concentrations, high heat and high pressured areas. they are the simplest form of prokaryotes (bacteria are also prokaryotes).

What is the kingdom of ancient unicellular prokaryotes?

Archeabacteria- they are often found in harsh conditions like volcano hot springs, brine pools, and other extremities.

Are bacteria prokaryotes?

Yes, bacteria is prokaryotic because it does not have a nucleus, it does not have membrane covered organelles, and it has circular DNA instead of linear DNA.

Does eubacteria have a nucleus?

Nope and archeabacteria doesn't either.No, the cells of a Eubacteria do not have a nucleus.