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Q: Is prune juice good for treating iron deficiency?
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i so don't know sorry but that is a good question!!!! lol

Why do old people drink prune juice?

Prune juice is a good source of multiple vitamins and minerals, and many individuals of all ages enjoy its taste. But perhaps prune juice is best known for its ability to ease constipation and its gentle laxative effect. For this reason it is recommended to anyone, including children, young and older adults who have slow digestion. Prune juice also can be purchased as an organic product that is natually vegan.

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They are really good,but best way is to use prune juice.

how to fulfill iron deficiency during pregnancy?

27 milligrams of iron a day. Good nutrition also can prevent iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy. Dietary sources of iron include lean red meat, poultry and fish. Other options include iron-fortified breakfast cereals, prune juice, dried beans and peas.

How long will opened bottle of prune juice stay fresh?

it all depends on wat flabor it is if its cherry is no good for long if its pine apple its good for a few years.

Does prune juice do anything bad to your body?

It's good, because it's high in antioxidants and dietary fiber. It can be bad, if the individual doesn't need a natural laxative.

Is orange juice good for your bladder because of its acidic acid?

Orange juice is not especially good or bad for your bladder. It has a lot of vitamins and sugar so can be good for you in moderation and bad in excess. The acidity of orange juice does not measurably change the the acidity of the urine. Cranberry juice is good for treating and preventing some urinary infections due t a chemical in it that keeps some bacteria from attaching to the bladder wall.

Is apple juice good for diaria?

YES IT DOES YES IT DOES make those babies drink them apples or yall woop them It may help, but prune juice will be 100% effective. Also follow the B.R.A.T rule.

What is a good diet for body cleansing?

I would suggest drink prune juice and cranberry juice often. I would also recommend eating a lot of bran, as well as drinking coffee. Another alternative would be to try some laxatives to help you clean out your system.

What is the right way for a colon cleaning?

Prune juice and lots of water is a good way to cleanse your colon. You can also try 2 parts orange juice to 1 part castor oil. You can also eat more fruit, vegetables, and drink more water.

What is a prune diet?

A prune diet is a diet that consists of eating a lot of prunes. Prunes are high in fiber and are good for digestion.