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Q: Is public administration a profession or just an occupation?
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What is public administration and how will you benefit from such study?

public administration is the management of public affair by public officials for public intrest.public administration allows you to be a public figure,and bing that,it gives a particular desire in understanding human being in a way you can manage their affairs.public administration also helps you to understand the affairs at the grassroot level.some benefits that can be enjoyed in public administration include:boldness,good understanding of varrious issues and how it can be solved,openness,credibility etc.all this listed above is just a little of some benefit public administration tend to improve in our day- to- day activities.

What are the features of profession as compared to occupation?

The difference between a job and a profession can be defined as: Job stands for "just over broke" thus requiring minimal education and one with little to no experience will suffice to get the job done. One can easily be replaced at a job. Profession is a commitment to a higher level of education where on must attend and acquire skilled training. A profession requires critical thinking skills. The ability to master technique and a desire expand one's knowledge. Usually a profession has a distinct body of knowledge specific to that profession. A profession should be rewarding to self and those served by the profession. A profession should provide the professional with adequate means of compensation. Finally, a profession should be one that the individual continues to desire to return to day after day without dread.

Are public administration and politics dispersible?

They have become so intertwined that it really is just for the administration to understand the politics and deal with them accordingly

Would the pay be highest for a paralegal or an optical assistant or a person with a degree in business administration?

Ask someone at the reference desk of your local public library for the Occupational Outlook Handbook. It lists all kinds of information you would need to know,(including the salary) of just about any occupation you can think of.

Difference between administration officer and finance officer in public service?

I just want to understand the differrence between Admin and finance.

How is a niche a profession?

the definition of niche is job or profession that's just how it is

Can Teaching be regarded as a Profession?

A profession is: 1) Recognized by institutional authorities as existing as a profession. (Sometimes laws define who is a member of a profession, or establish a governmental board that defines professional qualifications). 2) An occupation that requires specialized and technical knowledge. 3) An occupation that has some sort of commitment to service to society, or work for the sake of the betterment of civilization. 4) An occupation that is self-organized, with members of the profession establishing a hierarchy or governing body that makes decisions related to who is included within or excluded from the profession, what training and experience is required in order for someone to join the profession, and what standards of competency are used to define and evaluate skills used by the profession. Professions are to some degree self-governing and have control over their own affairs, although this can sometimes conflict with regulations imposed by the wider society through, for example, laws or professional standards boards. 5) An occupation that has codes of practice and ethical standards dictating how the profession must be practiced, and what society and clients should be able to expect from the work of the profession as a whole and individual practitioners within the profession. 6) Professions usually secure privileges and rights. That is, they work to ensure that only members of a profession are allowed to do certain things. Those are the six criteria to define a profession. Sometimes in common usage a profession is simply any specialization, craft, trade, or occupation that involves specialized technical knowledge and skills. Sometimes the term "profession" is also used to distinguish between a person who is involved in economic activities that involve providing products and services for fees in a competent manner, as contrasted with amateurs or volunteers or persons who do not take their work seriously. These meanings for "profession" are certainly just as valid as the more technical definition of the institutions of profession I've defined with six criteria above. All terms are socially-constructed, and depend for their reality on the ideas everyone in society has about what the terms mean.

Is the phrase graduate of master in public administration grammatically correct?

No. The phrase "graduate of master" is nonsense. Usually, one would say as an undergraduate, "I am a graduate of [name of university] and I majored in [name of subject]. Or, for graduate studies, "I graduated from [name of school] and I received a master's degree in public administration." Sometimes, you will see "my"-- I received my master's degree in [subject]. You can shorten it on a resumé to just "graduate of [name of university], Master's in Public Administration, 2011 [or whatever year you received the degree]. For example: Graduate of McGill University, Master's Degree in Public Administration, 2011.

What was Saint Faith's occupation?

Saint Faith of Aquitaine was a Christian martyr who lived during the 3rd century. She is often associated with being a young girl, but her occupation is not specifically recorded in historical texts. It is believed that she may have been a noblewoman or a virgin martyr.

Is teaching a calling?

A profession is an occupation which a person gets paid for. Which therefore includes teaching

What was the causes of the Administration of Justice Act?

what was the cause of the administration of just act

What was American Public Education like as a result of Horace Mann's influence?

The most important influence that Horace Mann had on public education was that education was for everyone, not just those who could afford it. Another influence was to elevate the position of teacher to a profession with a livable wage.