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No. Pumice cools very rapidly above the surface. It is a glassy rock. Glass forms when lava cools too quickly for crystals to form.

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Q: Is pumice a rock that cooled slowly inside Earth's crust?
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A crystal is a homogeneous solid substance that has a natural geometrically regular form. The crystals that form in slowly cooled magma produce large grains.

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What is the difference between pumice and granite?

Though pumice and granite are both igneous rocks, they are very different. Pumice is of extrusive origin (which means it formed when magma reached Earth's surface) and granite is of intrusive origin (which means it formed below Earth's surface). Pumice has a vesicular texture and granite is phaneritic (or coarse grained).

What do the large crystals in this igneous rock tell about the rock?

That it cooled very slowly.

What do the large crystals in igneous rocks tell about the rock?

That it cooled very slowly.

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Igneous rocks that cooled slowly are intrusive. Igneous rocks that cooled quickly are extrusive. Intrusive rocks form larger crystals, because the crystals have a longer time to grow. Extrusive rocks have small to no crystals, because they had little or no time to grow/form.

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Large mineral crystals that are all about the same size are formed from magma that cooled slowly inside the earth. Small mineral crystals (not identifiable without a microscope) formed from magma that cooled rapidly, on or near the surface of the earth.

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